Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Genku Lashes Out At Officials

The coveted Undisputed Championship has slipped from the fingertips of Genku at the worst possible time! His historic follow-up challenge to Pre-Show 90: Venomous Creatures winner VenoMark ended in a decisive defeat. VenoMark now sets his sights on his first Ultimate Grand Prix main event against The_Purple_Bunny -- while Genku is targeting officials!

The former champion spent the last three days blasting league officials! He blames booking for his title loss, and the collapse of The Invasion. He's calling the entire Monday Night experiment a complete failure, whilst also demanding officials return "his" championship!

Officials have responded by highlighting the rare and unique opportunities Genku has been given in the last week. It's been noted that despite Genku's objections to being associated with a bloated, bloviating, self-important oaf after The Invasion Election -- all he's done is reinforce that image.

Officials have also said if Genku wants to channel his energies somewhere productive, he should focus on cleaning up the mess of his tainted Invasion Election win! If there's anybody to blame for his current problems - they are still unknown.

He won't have long to do it. Next week's program will be consumed by the annual tradition of the Grand Prix Warm-Up tournament!

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