Friday, June 27, 2003

ICWW: Aftershock (Jun 27, 2003)


Special mention:
Has Marz been found out, or is Albert's RSI record intact? Lucifer doesn't seem to care.

Patrick Mannion d. Pagan Freak
Chris Benoit d. Shaggy 2 Dope
Marz d. The Hurricane
Triple Threat - Statix d. Marc Scott & Banging
Michael Lucifer d. The Godfather
Oozaru d. Rhyno

Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were in the commentators booth, with news of the Prince being permanently replaced by the master of stats. Buddy Luv said he was sure it would be interesting at least, to have Stat-Man with him on Aftershock as well. Stat-Man said that he was excited to be back on Aftershock, especially with Oozaru and Rhyno set to fight in a non-title match in the nights headliner. Buddy Luv also added that the Godfather would face a mighty in-ring debut against Michael Lucifer!

An all rights reserved chant started up as Patrick Mannion made his way to the ring to face off against the Pagan Freak. The two tied up, Pagan Freak gaining the early advantage with a knee to the gut, and then a big vertical suplex! Mannion mounted a return offense, taking it to the Freak with a tingling spinebuster slam, and followed with a snapping elbow drop. Pagan Freak struggled to his feet, and pounded down on Mannion with hard right hands, but Mannion managed to block a right, and counter into the smackdown slam, resulting in a cover.

The Y2Juggalo countdown hit the PA as Shaggy 2 Dope clapped up a storm on his way to the ring! He said that since Violent J never actually lost the heavyweight championship, he should get a shot, since he was the new Y2Juggalo. Gwen Lucifer made an entrance, to inform Shaggy 2 Dope that she had just received an e-mail from the mystery CEO, who happened to agree with his logic. She informed him that since he and Rhyno had just held the tag team championships, it seemed only fitting that Chris Benoit be granted a similar opportunity to his former partner.

The Canadian crippler made his way to the ring, going straight to work with a series of chops. Shaggy 2 Dope returned the favor, unloading with a flurry of punches, before dropping his opponent with a swinging neck breaker. Benoit found an opening and soon took control over the new Y2Juggalo, annihilating him with a string of German suplexes before hitting the diving head butt. Benoit locked in the crippler crossface submission hold, proving to be too much for Shaggy 2 Dope, earning himself a shot at his former partner, Rhyno, for the heavyweight title.

The Rar Rap hit the arena as the Alaskan Bear-Whale strutted to the ring. He got down with a little Beefer Bust, before getting down to business. He had the weeks elimination nominees, and said that only one of them voted as required, which meant three would receive a strike, and consequently if any did not have a vote to their name, they would be up for elimination to make up the three. Naturally the three nominees were; Shaggy 2 Dope, Rockey Rakesh and Loopster.

The International champion headed out to take on one half of the tag team champions in Hurricane. Marz looked to be in fine form, unleashing a brutal assault on the Hurricane right from the start with elbows, right hands and brutal kicks. The pace was quick as the two flying superstars exchanged blows, Marz gaining a commanding position after slinging the Hurricane off the ropes and connecting with the springboard kick! With Hurricane reeling, he was prime for the spiral bomb, but managed to slip out of the hold, looking for the eye of the hurricane. Marz kicked out of a cover attempt, and the match continued, Hurricane shooting Marz off the ropes, and making the fatal mistake, falling to a spiral bomb after lowering his head.

Backstage the Suck Squad were with Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Jericho was teaching Chaos and Loopster how they should bow to their king of the world. Kurt said that he was looking for some partners to watch his back as he climbed the ranks in ICWW, a team so to speak, a team Angle! Jericho furrowed his brow and told the Olympian that Team Angle had to be one of the stupidest ideas he'd ever heard, but if anyone were to do it, the Suck Squad were grade-A choices. Angle thanked Jericho for his support, prompting the king of the world to walk away.

Triple threat action as Banging found himself in the middle of the feud between Marc Scott and the Sensation, Statix. The three superstars found themselves in a stand-off, with Banging caught in the middle, as they all tied up together. Banging and Statix double teamed Scott with a toe kick to the gut, taking him over with a huge double vertical suplex! Banging backed off as Statix stomped down on the fallen Scott, but he soon turned his attentions to Banging. The masked superstar reversed the Irish whip, sending Statix into the ropes and right into a dandy Samoan drop. Scott joined Banging in attacking Statix, but caught him with a cheap shot from behind. Scott bounced off the ropes and took Banging down with a diving forearm. Statix locked up for a front face lock, Marc Scott able to hook around into a waist lock, but Statix reversed the hold and took him down with the Static Slam. Statix managed to make the cover, folding Scott's arms over his chest. Banging left the ring irate after the bell.

Backstage Albert Beefcake bumped into the Deputy. He asked him if he'd seen Michael Lucifer, and the Deputy told him that he hadn't, but if he did, he would have a few words to say to him. The Deputy told Albo that Lucifer's intimidation tactics didn't impress him, because just like everyone else, he had to obey the law. Deputy told Albert that he was in ICWW to make sure things went down the line at Highway to Hell, and that meant making sure things went down the line in the lead up to Highway to Hell. Albert agreed that the Deputy had things in hand, before creeping away to continue his search. The Deputy tapped his nightstick and shook his head.

Michael Lucifer made his presence known as he entered the arena to face off against the newest addition to the ICWW roster - the Godfather! Godfather interrupted the Deputy's return on Civil Action, and found himself matched up against Lucifer in what may have been poetic justice in motion. The Godfather mocked Lucifer, shielding his escorts in a jovial fashion, before stepping into the ring. The granite faced Lucifer didn't seem amused, going straight to work as the bell sounded with throat thrusts. He drove the Godfather into the corner and unloaded a barrage of shots to the mid- section, before sending the pimp daddy across the ring with a throat toss. Godfather rolled out of the ring to get an energy boost from his hoes, before rolling back in and taking an offensive turn with hard right hands on Lucifer. He sent him into the ropes and managed to take the heavyweight down with a Samoan drop! Godfather went for a cover, but Lucifer kicked out quickly, returning the favor with a Death Valley driver. Lucifer scooped Godfather up and dropped him with the Devil driver, folding his arms over to score the pin fall. The hoes tended to Godfather after the match, with the crowd cheering as they all got down and danced aboard the ho-train.

Backstage Albert Beefcake rushed up to Michael Lucifer as he was heading to the locker rooms. He said that he had been giving things some thought, and he came to a startling realisation. He said that Lucifer's problems began shortly after he was defeated by Triple H for the Heavyweight championship, a match made possible via a decision to allow Triple H to progress past Banging - a decision made by IWA general-managers, Marz and Violent J. The Big Beefer proceeded to point out that after the lengthy road that preoccupied, and battered Lucifer, Marz managed to take possession of the International title, something that might not have happened had he not been busy. Lucifer glared at Albert, before racing off in the direction of the Dark Lotus locker room. Albert shouted out that Marz had already left the arena.

Oozaru made his way to the ring for a non-title encounter against Heavyweight champion, Rhyno. In the second tag star versus champ match, Rhyno found himself unable to physically intimidate the large hardcore Aussie in Oozaru. They tied up, finding themselves equally matched in strength. The two backed off, staring each other down, before tying up again, this time Oozaru got the break with a boot to the gut. He sent Rhyno off the ropes, but Rhyno stopped dead in front of Oozaru, before dropping him with a spinebuster slam! Rhyno stomped down on Oozaru, before backing off and pounding his chest, signaling time for the gore! Oozaru clambered to his feet, and managed to side step out of the way of the finisher, allowing him to execute the full nelson bomb! He picked the manimal up, and quickly hit the flatliner, making a fast, firm pin to score the win. Chris Benoit raced down to the ring, pausing to glance at Oozaru, and then Rhyno. The three men glance back and forth, as ICWW: Aftershock came to a confronting conclusion.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

ICWW: Civil Action (Jun 24, 2003)


Special mention:
The Deputy has arrived, to bring law, order, and justice to ICWW. Good luck!

Matt Hardy d. Banging
Statix d. Marc Scott
Heavyweight title - Rhyno d. Rockey Rakesh [c]
Marz d. Michael Lucifer

Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were in the commentary booth for Civil Action! They discussed the final confrontation between Rhyno and Rockey Rakesh, plus more including a match between Marz and Michael Lucifer, and finally the mysterious law enforcer would be revealed to the ICWW fans and superstars alike.

The promo seen last week played as the crowd prepared to finally meet the arrival of the new superstar. His music kicked up and out stepped the Godfather! The Godfather laughed and danced his way onto the stage, bringing out a string of hoes behind him! An irate looking Deputy ran through the hoes and attacked the Godfather with his nightstick! The Deputy snatched Godfather's microphone from him, and asked him who the hell he thought he was interrupting his entrance. The Deputy told him that there was a new sheriff in town, and he wasn't going to put up with crap like that. The Deputy stomped down on the Godfather some more, before telling the crowd that there was a match coming up called Highway to Hell, a match he had seen first hand, which was why he was in ICWW to be the official enforcer for the match, to make sure nothing would run afoul.

The Pacific Connection made their way to the ring next and called out the tag team champions. The champions, Hurricane and Matt Hardy, stepped into the ring resulting in a stand-off. Oozaru challenged the champions to a title match, but Matt Hardy said that they deserved a grander stage if they were to defend the titles, because there wasn't enough mattitude in the arena. Hardy said that if Banging could beat him one on one, then they would be granted a title match at Highway to Hell.

Oozaru and Hurricane stayed at ringside, as their partners prepared to duke it out with a title match for Highway to Hell on the line. They tied up, Banging earning the early advantage with a DDT, and then went off the ropes, missing a big elbow drop. Hardy used the slip up to his advantage, taking Banging down with a swinging neck breaker, which left him open for a second rope leg drop. He went for the early cover, but only scored a two. On the outside Oozaru and Hurricane started to tussle it up, distracting Hardy momentarily, allowing Banging to shoot Hardy off the ropes and plant him with a Samoan drop. Banging picked Hardy up, looking for the Kiwi Bomb, but Hardy telegraphed it, countering into the twist of fate, and a cover.

Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring for the latest round of Big Beefer! The Alaskan Bear-Whale reminded fans that in this special round, only eliminated superstars could vote for elimination. He said that the Nomad and Jason Shamrock elected not to vote, which meant that by a very small margin, this week's eliminated superstar was Statix by 66%! Albert announced that only four superstars remained which meant they were reaching the business end of the competition!

Marc Scott made his way to the ring next in an unscheduled moment. He asked for a microphone and then told the crowd to shut up. He took fans back to last week, showing footage on the big screen of his victory over Statix. He said with that in mind, he was horrified to be surfing the internet, and discovering that he is still ranked below Statix in many people's eyes. He told the crowd that Statix was nothing but a lucky, dime store hack with big cartoon hair. He reminded the crowd that he was a two time former tag team champion, and a seven time hardcore champion. He said that he didn't even like the undisciplined style of hardcore wrestling, but he managed to adapt as only he could. He demanded satisfaction - Enter the Statix. Statix said he didn't know what the source of Scott's problem was, and didn't much care. He told him that bigger things were going on in the ICWW, and then said that they should finish it right then and there in the squared circle.

Scott met Statix as he slid into the ring, stomping down on him, before tying up with a front face lock, and taking him over with a vertical suplex. Scott stomped down on Statix, taunting to the crowd. Statix jumped up with a second wind, hitting the ropes and taking Scott down with a big spinning heel kick. He picked Scott up, and shot him into the turnbuckle, looking for a running shoulder thrust, but the experience of Marc Scott shined as he jumped over Statix, reversing into a roll up, but only got a two count. They locked up, Statix coming out with a jump swinging DDT, and from there the rolling thunder allowed Statix to make the cover; Scott kicking out just after the three. Scott continued to assault Statix after the match, clamping down with the Boston crab. The Referee had to pull Scott off of the sensation, but not before he put the boot in a few more times for good measure.

Backstage Michael Lucifer was watching his protégé getting assaulted on a monitor in the locker room halls, when Marz was heading to his room. Lucifer told Marz to wait, because he had a question for him. Lucifer said that while IWA was around, he worked for Marz and Violent J, which was around about the time things started going to hell for him. He asked Marz if he knew anything, since he had been in charge. Marz ignored Lucifer, which prompted him to attack him from behind! With the International champion stunned on the ground, Lucifer challenged him to a match in the night's headlining slot. Marz was unable to deny the challenge.

Rhyno made his way to the ring to face Rockey Rakesh for his heavyweight title. Having won the Grand Tour challenge, Rhyno was looking in fine, well earned, form. Rakesh paced in his corner as the bell sounded, with Rhyno maintaining a steely gaze. Rakesh hit the ropes, taking Rhyno back with a drop kick, before going off again, looking to maintain the momentum. Rhyno rolled out of the way of the leg drop, and began the assault, with a devastating spinebuster slam. With Rakesh down Rhyno stomped down on the fallen champion, before picking him up and dropping him straight back down with a powerbomb. The challenger backed off into a corner, waiting for Rakesh to make it to his feet, and into position for the gore, but Rakesh saw what was happening, and rolled to the outside. He pulled out a steel chair and returned to the ring, looking to use it as a weapon against Rhyno! Rhyno took a hard shot to the head, but didn't go down, Rakesh swung the chair again, and still no effect! Rakesh tapped the chair to the midsection, and stepped over for the Indian powerbomb, but Rhyno managed to hold out. He regained his composure and shoved Rakesh back, taking him down with the gore and a cover. Rhyno mounted the turnbuckle with the championship in his hand, the new ICWW heavyweight champion for the first time in his career.

Backstage a brawl was taking place between the Rock and the Nomad! Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Chaos Drone and Dez Burnett were there to help pull the superstars apart. The Rock warned Nomad that at Highway to Hell, there would be no one to hold him back from beating the blue hell out of him. The Nomad reminded Rock of the win/loss record between then, before asking him to cook that.

The International champion made his way to the ring for a non-title match against Michael Lucifer. Lucifer made his way to the ring accompanied by Statix, despite the attack felt last week. Lucifer appeared the far more dominating presence in the ring, but the world champion matched his icey glare. Marz went on the attack first, taking Lucifer back with elbow shots and then an Irish whip, leaving Lucifer open for a thrust kick. Lucifer staggered back, and Marz went in with a swinging neck breaker. The champ turned to the crowd and stood with his arms stretched out, giving Lucifer an opening to lock up with a dragon sleeper. Marz found the ropes, only to have Lucifer break the hold, and turn him into a throat toss. Marz struggled to his feet as Lucifer shot the champ off the ropes, and caught him with a thunderous back breaker. He went for the cover but only scored a one, Marz going on the attack once more with an uppercut, sending Lucifer reeling and allowing Marz the room to hit the springboard kick off of the corner! He looked to follow up with a whip, but Lucifer reversed it, sending Marz right into the grasp of Statix from the outside! Statix grabbed the ankle, distracting Marz while Lucifer gathered himself and prepared for a chokeslam. Marz turned around, and instead kicked Lucifer just south of the border, and dropped him with a devastating DDT, giving Marz the pin fall.

Lucifer rolled out of the ring and began shouting in Statix' face, while Marz mounted the turnbuckle with his arms outstretched, and the International championship strap in hand, as Civil Action came to a conclusive ending.

Friday, June 20, 2003

ICWW: Aftershock (Jun 20, 2003)


Special mention:
Rhyno earns himself a shot at the heavyweight champion, Rockey Rakesh, thanks to an impressive victory over Michael Lucifer in the Grand Tour final!

Chris Benoit d. Marc Scott
Oozaru d. The Hurricane
Heavyweight Title - Rockey Rakesh [c] d. Tito Ortiz
Statix d. Banging
Grand Tour final - Rhyno d. Michael Lucifer

Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were in the commentary booth, the Prince out sick, as Aftershock came on the air. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man discussed the Grand Tour final. Stat-Man was convinced Michael Lucifer could win it, and told Buddy Luv he might have to chokeslam him too, for questioning him. They then made mention to an exciting one on one between Oozaru and the Hurricane, and Chris Benoit taking on Marc Scott. They then crossed to the backstage area where the heavyweight champion was arriving. Rockey Rakesh approached Kurt Angle and Dez Burnett, and asked if they had seen Gwen Lucifer at all, they pointed him to the offices.

Much like Civil Action, a promotional video hit the big screen, warning fans that law, order and justice was coming to ICWW. It said that there was a new sheriff in town, and he was going to take ICWW by the throat, on Civil Action. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man speculated on who it was, with Shawn Michaels, the Deputy and Dave Harley, all getting a mention. The crowd began a Jesseman chant, but Stat-Man said to his knowledge he was still in hospital care.

Marc Scott made his way to the ring and took to the microphone. He said that so many superstars dream of headlining in the big leagues. He said that all you had to do was think about the headline, when people talk about superstars like the Nomad, Marz, Violent J, Michael Lucifer - and Statix. Scott said that there happened to be a few reputable sources that thought he should be in the headlining match, and it was his opinion that some moronic, pop cultured, dude like Statix should not! Chris Benoit stepped out to cut Scott off. He said that he'd been with ICWW on various occasions, and he'd never gotten to that pinnacle. For however long he had been in ICWW he had come at it with nothing but pure, toothless aggression, so if Scott wanted a shot at the big time, he told him he'd have to go through the Crippler first.

Scott dived out of the ring and met Benoit on the entrance ramp, they met with right hands, Scott getting the better of the Crippler with a thumb to the eye. He sent Benoit into the edge of the apron with a hard Irish whip, before jumping back into the ring and taunting a little. Benoit entered the ring, with Scott waiting for him, taking him over with a hard fisherman suplex, but Benoit kicked out of the cover. Scott shot off the ropes, only to have Benoit take him to the mat with a nice drop toe hold. Scott was quick to struggle to his feet, reversing a hold attempt into a hammer lock, which Benoit then reversed into a waist lock, allowing him to slam Scott down with a fierce German suplex, which he continued into a second and a third. With Scott down Benoit looked to add the exclamation point with a little air Canada. Scott managed to roll out of the way right at the last second! With Benoit down Scott attempted to lock down with the cross face, but Benoit managed to hook his free arm over, rolling the hold into a head lock, and from there a firm cover.

Statix approached Michael Lucifer backstage, and made his intentions clear straight away. Lucifer asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, and Statix told him that he realised it was a questionable way of doing it, but he wanted to show that he pledged allegiance to Lucifer. Lucifer asked him exactly why he should take Statix as an ally, and Statix told him that he was an unpredictable variable, that he was difficult to predict, and so he could be useful. Lucifer asked him if he knew who was responsible for the past few months of hell, and Statix told him it was difficult to tell. Lucifer told him that he would turn on Statix, but he might prove useful.

In Gwen Lucifer's office Rockey Rakesh asked why he wasn't consulted about the participants of the Grand Tour. Gwen said that the CEO had complete control over everything in ICWW, and it really wasn't up to her. Rakesh said that as champion he would've liked to have had at least some input. At this point Gwen's computer received e-mail, apparently from the mystery CEO. Gwen said that later in the night, Rakesh would have to defend his title to a mystery opponent. Rakesh gaped, and demanded to see the e-mail himself. He stormed out, looking fairly concerned with more than just either Michael Lucifer or Rhyno to worry about.

The Pacific Connection made their way to the ring. Oozaru said that there were a couple of guys holding the tag team titles, two guys with very little experience. He continued, saying that he probably would've preferred facing Benoit and Rhyno, two superstars with experience, and even an IOU for a good arse whooping, however they were all about tag team titles, and so they issued a challenge to the champs. The Hurricane and Matt Hardy made their way to the ring, carrying their tag team championship belts. They said that at the early stage in time, they couldn't commit to anything, but were willing to consider if a representative from the Connection, could beat a representative from their team. Oozaru accepted the challenge, and as Matt Hardy was about to step up, the Hurricane pushed him back, telling his partner that he would take this one. Hardy and Banging slipped outside.

The Hurricane and Oozaru circled the ring, before tying up, allowing Oozaru to get the better of the super hero tag champ, taking him back with a hard shove. Oozaru tried to intimidate the Hurricane, only to have him run around into a crucifix, not getting any count. Oozaru jumped to his feet, going to work with rights and lefts. The Hurricane made an attempt at a jump swinging DDT, but Oozaru held on to the champ, taking him down hard with a suplex counter. He picked Hurricane up from behind and locked up with a full nelson. The Hurricane struggled to escape the hold, but Oozaru put an end to it, converting into a full nelson bomb. Oozaru went for the cover, but only scored a two count. He picked Hurricane up, looking for a press slam, but Hurricane slipped out the back right into position to hit the eye of the hurricane! Oozaru blocked the move, and managed to counter into a downward spiral, allowing him the opportunity to make the cover, much to the disgust of Matt Hardy.

Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring, strutting it up as he entered to announce the latest eviction nominees for Big Beefer. He reminded fans that this week only eliminated contestants could vote for elimination, and they were the Nomad, Marz, Jason Shamrock, Violent J and Chris Benoit. He was excited to announce that this week there were four nominees, and they were; Shaggy 2 Dope, Statix, Rockey Rakesh and Loopster. Albert wished everyone luck, before busting a move.

Rockey Rakesh made his way to the ring next, looking even more distraught than before, possibly over the Big Beefer situation. He awaited the entrance of his mystery challenger, only to discover it was none other than Tito Ortiz! The Huntington Beach Bad Boy made his way to the ring, looking in fine condition. The last time ICWW fans had seen him was during the last MMAF Grand Kumite, in which he won the most matches on his career. Rakesh handed his title as he prepared to face off against Ortiz. The Bad Boy stepping up to tap fists with the champ, in a mark of respect.

Ortiz backed off to a corner, before going on the charge against Rakesh with hard elbow shots, and stinging Thai kicks. He shot the champ off the ropes, taking him over with a hard knee to the gut, and then mounted, attacking with fierce right hands. He broke the hold, allowing Rakesh to stagger to his feet. He took Ortiz down with a clothesline, using the break to try and regain his composure. They tied up, Ortiz getting the better of Rakesh with a hard, striking hag-kor arawan style knee to the face. Somehow Rakesh managed to stay on his feet, hitting a kick to the midsection, and connecting with the Indian powerbomb! Both superstars lay flat on their back, rising slowly before tying up again. Suddenly Jason Shamrock ran down the ramp and attacked Ortiz from behind with the hardcore championship, allowing Rakesh an opportunity to hit the 619 and make the cover, retaining his belt. Ortiz was uninterested in Rakesh, racing up the ramp as soon as he got to his feet, in hot pursuit of the hardcore champion, Jason Shamrock.

The Rock made his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. He said that it was time for the Rock to stop playing games, and to cut to the chase. The Rock said he was sick of people questioning his ability. The Rock said he wasn't dim witted, weak, or any of the other things people were saying, and he was going to prove it by carving his name in stone. He said that the place would be Highway to Hell, and the time would be July 20. Then and there the Rock said he was going to beat the Nomad so black and blue he would be renamed the No-chance, if you smell it.

Backstage the Suck Squad, Loopster and Chaos Drone, were moping toward the food court when Chris Jericho strolled past. Chaos said that he saw Jericho pick up the loss on Civil Action, and suggested maybe he should join their team, to help keep the worthless guys out of the way. Jericho furrowed his brow and asked the question of what the hell was wrong with them. He said that he was the king of the world, and he was ashamed to be even speaking to a couple of peasants like them. He said that they should consider changing their name from Suck Squad, to the Ass Clowns. Loopster sobbed, and asked Jericho why he was such a hater. Drone said that Jericho was a bad man, and he should label them, and be such a hater. Jericho reminded them that they were wrestlers, and attacked them both.

A signed match was ready to begin next - Enter the Statix. Statix made his way to the ring, alone, despite his apparent alliance with Michael Lucifer. He awaited the entrance of Banging, who was accompanied by his partner in crime, Oozaru. The bell sounded, and Statix went straight to work, attacking with an elbow strike combination, before sending Banging off the ropes and catching him with a spinning heel kick. Banging returned the favour, taking Statix down with a Samoan drop. He stomped down on Statix, and taunted to the crowd, with Oozaru. He picked Statix up, and hooked up with a front face lock, looking for a vertical, but Statix countered with a tornado DDT! With Banging down Statix went for the rolling thunder, and looked for a cover, which was broken with Oozaru enter the ring, attacking the sensation with a steel chair. Banging was disqualified, leaving the match over.

Backstage Rhyno was psyching himself up in the locker rooms, when Chris Benoit entered. He said that he hadn't had a chance to catch up with him, but he wanted an explanation. He reminded Rhyno that they were a team, and were supposed to be pursuing the tag team titles they'd lost. Rhyno said that he had a shot at the big time once before, and he missed it, and he wasn't about to miss it again. Benoit told him that he had an obligation, and if he thought he could break it, he had another thing coming. Rhyno grunted, before storming out of the room.

Michael Lucifer made his way to the ring for the Grand Tour final, with a shot at the heavyweight championship on the line. He hit the ropes while waiting for Rhyno to jump up and head to the ring. The two power players fought for the first ever International championship, in which Michael Lucifer won, which put the odds in his favour. Rhyno did his best to come face to face with Lucifer, the two staring into each other, before Lucifer threw the first blow. They went back and forth, before Rhyno went for the whip, and ducked a big boot attempt by Lucifer. The two stalked around the ring, before tying up - Lucifer breaking it with sharp throat thrusts. Lucifer locked up with a Boston crab, looking to work away on Rhyno's lower power base, but the manimal reach the ropes, forcing Lucifer to break the hold. He sent Lucifer back with a hard chop, and whipped him into the corner, going to work with his full body weight, driving it into the mid section with hard shoulder thrusts. As the spirit of vengeance staggered out of the corner, Rhyno tied up for a power bomb, but couldn't get the big man up. Lucifer slowly raised, countering the move into a hard, whipping high spinebuster slam! He stomped down on Rhyno, before picking him up for the devil driver, but Rhyno managed to slip out the back and push Lucifer off the ropes. On his way back he again looked for a big boot, but Rhyno ran under it, and look for the gore, only to be caught in the big hand of Lucifer! Lucifer prepared for a chokeslam, but kicked him below the border, with no holds barred rules in place, and connected with the gore! He made the cover, Lucifer unable to kick out, earning Rhyno a shot at the heavyweight championship!

The crowd went wild as Rhyno mounted the turnbuckle and beat his chest, as the new number one contender for the heavyweight championship belt closed out an exciting edition of Aftershock, celebrating three hundred days.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

ICWW: Civil Action (Jun 17, 2003)


Special mention:
There is a disturbance in the yellow bandana force. Could this call for another Rar Scene Investigation? Rar baby. Maybe the new Sheriff will know what to do.

Triple Threat - Chris Benoit d. The Hurricane and Oozaru
Marc Scott d. Statix
Shaggy 2 Dope d. Devon Storm
Rhyno d. Matt Hardy
Michael Lucifer d. Chris Jericho

Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were excited as Civil Action kicked on the air. Buddy exclaiming that the grand tour for the heavyweight championship was all set up to start right then and there. Stat-Man acknowledged that no one knew what to expect from the tour, and he assumed it had something to do with a tournament, something like the lethal lottery. Buddy Luv agreed that would be the most viable option, but equally as viable was a triple threat match between a representative of three of the hottest tag teams running in the business, plus another Big Beefer elimination!

The crowd stood back as the Hurricane came blowing into the arena, the super hero prowling in with his tag team championship belt around his waist. The super hero stood ready as Oozaru and Benoit made their way to the ring, for the opening triple threat rules match. One fall at stake as Benoit and Hurricane started early with a double team on Oozaru. They shot the big man off the ropes, only to be taken down with a double clothesline! The big hardcore Aussie put the boot down to his friend's former partner, and picked him up for the full nelson bomb! A cover fell short as the Hurricane return to the fray, pounding down on Oozaru with hard shots before looking for a chokeslam! The larger Oozaru managed to overpower him, and drop him with a chokeslam of his own! Benoit jumped Oozaru from behind, taking him over with a huge German suplex release. He went for the cover on Hurricane, and scored the pin fall, and some retribution on the man who stole his title.

Gwen Lucifer's theme hit the arena as the secretary to the mystery CEO made her way to the ring, accompanied by Albert Beefcake! She took to the microphone first with Albert nodding behind her. She announced that tonight the Grand Tour to determine a contender for the heavyweight championship was to begin, and she was now going to announce the rules. The Mystery CEO has selected four superstars that he believes represent the best in either strength, aggression, speed and technical prowess. These four will be called out at random, they do not know they have been selected, so once their music hits, they are expected to make their way to the ring. Gwen wished them all like, and handed the mic. to Albert Beefcake who had the results for the latest elimination in Big Beefer. Albert said that he had an announcement to make, and it was in regards to Violent J's retirement. He said that in light of that, Violent J would be eliminated from the competition this week. As the crowd started a "beef" chant, he said that there was one more BB surprise. He said that for round 6 nominations would go ahead as usual, but instead of the general public voting for who is eliminated, those who have already been eliminated will decide who stays and who goes. Albert let out a Rar before leaving.

Backstage Shaggy 2 Dope was standing by the water cooler when Devon Storm came up to get a drink. Shaggy turned away from the television he was watching and told Devon how relieved he was not to have been eliminated on his first week. Devon sipped his drink and twitched, while acknowledging that it would've been a travesty for the funniest superstar of the half year to be eliminated from the comp. Shaggy asked him what he meant by funny, and why he kept twitching. Crowbar did a poor imitation of Shaggy clapping, which prompted the Juggalo to challenge Storm to a match later in the night. Storm attacked the water cooler with his pet crowbar, before accepting the match, and throwing a paper cup at 2 Dope.

Marc Scott made his way to the ring and took to the microphone. He said a lot had changed in ICWW since his return, and as far as he could tell that was a good thing. He said that after some of the things he had been through, just about anything was up, but there was one thing he couldn't stand. He said that as far as he was concerned people who think they can have spikey hair like a cartoon character, and strut around claiming they can tell the future, should be fired on the spot. He said that while Statix, the so-called sensation was getting praise, he, an exciting young talent with impressive technical skill, was being mocked, and ignored! Statix stepped out at the entrance way, and told Scott that he expected this, and wanted to tell him about a man with a grudge. Scott interrupted and told Statix that he would tell him a story about a man with the grudge. It was a story about him, challenging, and then kicking a skinny guy in a black coat's ass.

Statix stormed the ring, charging straight into an arm wrench take over by the technically sound Scott. Statix went back on the attack, connecting with stinging elbow shots to the head, and then shot Scott off the ropes, catching him with a high leg clothesline. With Scott down he stomped down, hitting a spinning leg drop. Again he sent Marc Scott into the ropes, only to find himself on the receiving end of a diving forearm. They tied up, Statix finding himself on the wrong end of a nice vertical suplex. Scott stomped down on the sensation, before picking him up and connecting with a bulldog. He went for a cover, but Statix rolled it over, scoring a two count. Statix went off the ropes once more, but ran right into a sky high short powerbomb. Scott climbed the turnbuckle, looking for a high risk leg drop, only to miss Statix all together who rolled out the back door right at the last minute. Statix picked him up from behind looking for a dragon suplex, but Marc connected with a sudden Grudge! With Statix down he made the cover, scoring a three count.

Backstage Michael Lucifer was in his wife's office when Albert Beefcake knocked on the door. He said that he'd been thinking, and Statix had mentioned that maybe he should be working on another RSI, and since he could see the future, it was probably a good idea. Albert said that he'd given some thought into who may've been in his hospital room, and consequently responsible for all of his recent misfortunes. Albert told him that he'd narrowed it down to three suspects, his prime suspect being Abel, but not taking away from possibly Larry David or Marz. Lucifer had been staring at Albert with his eyes in shadow the whole time, until he leaned forward and told Albert that he should get away from him if he wanted to walk out at AS.

Shaggy 2 Dope arrived on the entrance way in a VIP cart! He clapped up a storm before zooming to ringside, with the whole arena clapping for him. In the ring he said that his buddy Violent J had retired, and that made him one grumpy facko, but rather than get mad, he decided to honor his buddy, and dedicate the match to him. Devon Storm's music hit, but the superstar was nowhere to be seen, instead racing through the crowd to the surprise of Shaggy 2 Dope! He attack with clubbing fists before dropping 2 Dope with a hard hitting face jam! The new Y2Juggalo shot off the ropes and took Storm down with a cross body block, before stomping down. Storm blocked a kick, and sent Shaggy back off balance, allowing him time to set up for a spinning heel kick! With Shaggy down he went off the top rope with a split-legged moonsault, and went for a cover, only scoring two. Shaggy staggered to his feet, as the two tied up, Storm hooking up with a front face lock. Storm sent Shaggy up looking for a falcon arrow, but Shaggy managed to shift his weight to drop out the back and slam Storm down with a reverse DDT! He did a J-arooni in the middle of the ring, before picking him up for the Psycho flip and pin.

In a dark corner of the Dark Lotus locker rooms Marz was perched in the shadows, holding his prized International championship. Paul Heyman entered and made chit chat with Marz, who didn't seem interested in the slightest. He said that he would cut to the chase, and said that despite the actions of Violent J, he would very much like to offer his services to Marz, as a manager and career advisor. Marz did not answer, leaving an awkward Heyman with no choice but to give him his card, and best wishes. With Heyman gone Marz looked at the card, before whipping out a lighter and setting it on fire. He uttered to himself, "and then there was one".

Buddy Luv and Stat-Man made conversation about the Grand Tour, and it's system of match up styles when suddenly the arena went dark, and attentions were turned to the big screen. Words with reference to law, and order flashed across the screen as a promo played, teasing to something regarding justice for all. The promotion video ended, saying that there was a new sheriff coming to town.

Fans jumped up as the former tag team champion, Rhyno, made his way to the ring, prompted by his music, which signified that he was the first of the four lucky superstars name for the grand tour! In the ring he pounded his chest, awaiting the entrance of the next random contender, revealed to be none other than current tag team champion, Mattitude Matt Hardy. Hardy raced down to the ring to take the Rhyno by the horns, finding himself on the receiving end of hard right hand jabs. Hardy staggered back, slinging off the ropes in the hopes of taking Rhyno down with a running splash, but instead he found himself on the slam end of a spinebuster! Rhyno stomped down on Hardy, and tied up with a Boston Crab. Hardy was able to grab the ropes, and escape the hold, giving him an opportunity to go on the offensive with stinging chops, and then a big spinning heel kick! With Rhyno stunned in the corner, Hardy went up for the five punch mount, before shooting Rhyno over with a difficult monkey toss! He went upstairs, looking for a guillotine leg drop, but he took too long to steady himself, giving Rhyno time to get to his feet and counter the move with a gore in mid-air! He picked Hardy up and dropped him with a crushing double powerbomb with a bridge, giving him the grand tour of a win.

Fans eagerly awaited the entrance of the next superstar to be named part of the Grand Tour, and were shocked to find it was the king of the world - Chris Jericho! The king of the world did a little shadow boxing awaiting his first challenge, a challenge that stepped straight out of the mouth of hell, in Michael Lucifer! The big man entered the ring over the top rope as Jericho kept to the opposite corner, eyeing off his opponent. They tied up, Lucifer grossly overpowering Jericho, before delivering a throat thrust! Jericho staggered back and Lucifer followed with another, before clamping down on Jericho's throat, and tossing him across the ring! Jericho rolled to the outside and Lucifer followed, looking in a particularly vengeful mood. Jericho started to skip a little quicker, before sliding back into the ring. As Lucifer tried to enter Jericho slammed him back with a baseball slide! Jericho slid to the outside again and struck Lucifer with stinging chops, before whipping him into the turnbuckle! Jericho sent Lucifer back into the ring, as the spirit staggered holding his shoulder. Jericho shot him off the ropes with an Irish whip, only to be met with a big boot to the face! Jericho flipped over himself, and stumbled forward right into a chokeslam! Lucifer went for the cover, but Jericho kicked out! Lucifer got to his feet and grabbed Jericho by the hair to drag him to his feet, when Jericho hit a low blow, unseen by the referee! Lucifer went down, and Jericho went off the ropes with a Lionsault, when suddenly Statix raced down to the ring! He attacked Jericho, dropping him with the blood bomb, allowing Lucifer time to recover and hit the Devil Driver, folding Jericho's arms to progress in the Tour.

Lucifer stared out with an uncertain expression on his face, as Statix backed up the entrance way, and Civil Action came to an end, with Chris Jericho busted open and bleeding from the head.

Friday, June 13, 2003

ICWW: Aftershock (Jun 13, 2003)


Special mention:
Abel Lucifer returns on Aftershock Friday the 13th. Will the spirit of vengeance get what he wants?

The Nomad d. Shaggy 2 Dope
Chris Benoit d. Oozaru
Devon Storm d. Marc Scott
Banging d. Statix
Tag Team [Tag] - The Hurricane & Matt Hardy d. Chris Benoit & Rhyno [c]

There was excitement in the arena as a very special Friday 13th edition of Aftershock! Buddy Luv said that it was definitely unlucky for some, and The Prince told him that chronologically speaking this would be part eleven. Buddy Luv gave him a strange look and announced that there were several matches in store for fans including one half of the tag team champions, Chris Benoit, facing Oozaru; Statix was to face Banging - plus, the latest ICWW superstar, Devon Storm, set to face Marc Scott.

The Nomad made his way to the ring with a displeased expression on his face. He said that he heard what the Rock said, and since he again wasn't in the arena for show time, he could only assume that everything he said was a lie. The Nomad said that the Rock clearly didn't have the brains, balls or bazookas to face him one on one. Nomad then said that as usual, it was time to come on down and play - no to new talent. He called out anyone willing, and found himself confronted by Shaggy 2 Dope!

Shaggy hit the ring and went to work, taking Nomad down early with a swinging neck breaker, but the Nomad was up straight away. Shaggy swung for a short clothesline, but the Nomad locked up in a full nelson, and dropped him with a front Russian leg sweep. Shaggy hit the ropes, but the Nomad hit the deck, and countered on the way back with a tilt a whirl slam. Nomad pulled Shaggy up, and locked up with a front face lock, but Shaggy countered into a front suplex. Shaggy went for the cover but Nomad kicked out at one, and was whipped into the ropes, coming back with a diving forearm. Shaggy came back, right into a crescent kick, giving Nomad the opportunity to picked him up, and slam him down with the bible black, into a cover.

Backstage Albert Beefcake approached the Rock with a microphone. The Rock was just heading to the locker rooms with his duffel bag. Albert asked him if he had just seen what the Nomad had said. The Rock gave Albert the eye brow and said that he had caught the Nomad's words on a monitor as he entered the arena. The Rock said the Nomad was a piece of trash, and he didn't give a monkey's ass about how upset the Nomad was. The Rock said that he was heading to the locker rooms so he could change into his jabroni beating boots, so he could go and lay the smack down on the Nomad's candy ass, if you smell what the Rock is cooking.

One half of the tag team champions, Chris Benoit, made his way to the ring next to face off against Oozaru. Oozaru smirked, and tried to intimidate Benoit as the bell rang, showing off his size and strength by shoving Benoit. The granite faced Benoit stood back and looked out at the crowd before shoving Oozaru right back, and then began working on him with stinging chops. They tied up, allowing Benoit to swing to the back for a waist lock, but Oozaru reversed it and tied Benoit up in the full nelson. Oozaru looked for the full nelson bomb, but Benoit managed to counter the move into a bulldog! Benoit clamped down with the cross face, but they were much too close to the ropes, allowing Oozaru to escape. He looked for a clothesline, but Benoit ducked under it and took him down with a DDT! With Oozaru down the crippler went up stairs for a little air Canada action, with the diving head butt and a cover.

The Rar Rap hit the arena and the big Alaskan Bear-whale strutted his stuff to the ring to announce the Big Beefer nominations. He said that this round there were four nominees for elimination. They are; Statix, Shaggy 2 Dope, Violent J and Banging. Albert got down with a little bit of the Beefer Bust, before heading back.

Violent J made his way to the ring followed by a confused looking Paul Heyman. J took a microphone and held his heavyweight championship over his shoulder, before looking out at the crowd. He said that during his time in ICWW he'd achieved many wonderful things, but one of his greatest goals was always to obtain the heavyweight championship, and he had done that. He then announced that he would like to officially announce his retirement from wrestling. Paul Heyman snatched the mic. from the Y2Juggalo and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. Heyman said that he had made Violent J a superstar, and that he couldn't turn his back on him after all of that work they put in together. He said the Violent J era was only just beginning, it couldn't end yet! Violent J gave Heyman and hug, and then dropped him with the psycho flip! Violent J picked up the microphone and continued his speech saying that in retiring he would like to hand the championship belt to his bhai, and the person he believed was the rightful person, Rockey Rakesh. Gwen Lucifer's theme music hit at this point, and the secretary to the mystery CEO made her way to the ring. She said that she didn't want to put a damper on the occasion, but she had just received an e-mail from the mystery CEO, telling her that the title would be allowed to go to Rakesh on his request, however Rakesh would be forced to defend the title after a contender process determined next week on Civil Action, and Aftershock. J let out one final, "oooh what a lovely tea party", before a mass of the ICWW roster made their way to the ring! Marz and Rakesh hoisted Violent J onto their shoulders, as he and his friends made their way down the aisle, J's last time.

Marc Scott remained in the ring after the emotional moment, for his singles encounter against new comer Devon "Crowbar" Storm. The arena was filled with the sound of a loud buzzing, as Storm ran his way to the ring wearing a hockey mask and wielding a live chainsaw! He jumped into the ring, prompting Marc Scott to dive straight to the outside, and start yelling at officials. Crowbar turned the chainsaw off and beckoned for a microphone. He said that mathematically speaking, the chances of there being a Friday that is the thirteenth of any given month, aren't that rare. In fact they're in the proximity of .983 ever year. That being said, he would like to wish everyone a happy Crowbar wielders day! Storm tossed the hockey mask and chainsaw aside, and jumped over the top rope with a swan dive on Marc Scott! Crowbar rummaged around under the ring, and pulled out a crowbar! He went to work on Scott with hard shots, before the Referee pulled it away and told them to take it to the ring. Crowbar tossed Scott inside to the corner, and geared up for some riding high bronco buster action, but Scott countered it with a big boot! With Storm keeled over Scott went for the cover, but Crowbar managed to kick out at two. Scott sent Storm into the ropes, and took him over with a high back body drop, and again went for the cover, only getting a two. Scott tied up, looking for a piledriver, but Crowbar managed to shift his weight to stay grounded, and hit the face jam! He went upstairs, and hit the diving leg drop before scoring a cover. Storm grabbed nodded and smiled at the crowd insanely, before retrieving his ice hockey mask, and running away to the locker rooms.

Backstage there was a knock on Gwen Lucifer's office door, as Abel stepped through! Michael Lucifer stood up and slammed his brother into the wall by the collar. He said that he knew he was at the hospital, and wanted to know what the hell he thought he was doing. Lucifer told him that he wasn't going to be a part of any pathetic attempt and head games, and told his brother to tell him exactly what he was up to straight away. Abel laughed and told him that he couldn't have his big brother in the hospital all alone, because you'd never know who might take advantage of the situation. The spirit of vengeance let his brother down, and demanded to know how he got in, to which he found out, that family could visit. Abel laughed at his brother, mocking him for not knowing who was behind all that had happened over the past few months. He told his brother that he was looking in all the obvious places, and he expected more from his scheming brother. Michael peered into the shadows as Abel left.

Banging made his way to the ring and said that if Statix could really predict the future, he wanted him to come out and prove it - Enter the Statix. The sensation made his way to the ring and asked Banging why he would need to prove anything. Banging said that the Pacific Connection was looking for young, promising superstars to recruit, and they thought that he had rather unique talents. Statix told him that lying wouldn't help anymore than using him to avoid matches in which they lose. Banging nodded and admitted that Statix was pretty convincing, but wanted to know how he was in the ring. Statix asked Banging if he understood the fighting spirit, before bringing his coat down slowly, and preparing himself for battle.

Banging tied up with Statix, taking him down with a hard gut wrench suplex. The Sensation made it to his feet, and went off the ropes, taking Banging down with a spinning heel kick. Statix put the boots to Banging, who caught his kick, but he countered with an enziguri! With Banging down he hit the ropes and connected with the rolling thunder. He climbed the top ropes, but climbed down before flying, just as Banging made it to his feet. Banging went on the attack with hard punches, driving Statix to the corner where he hit him hard with shoulder thrusts. With the sensation staggering, Banging hit him with the Kiwi Bomb! He went for the cover and scored the three fall. Banging scoffed, asking why Statix didn't predict that, before leaving.

Backstage the Nomad was walking through the arena corridors when suddenly the Rock came flying at him from behind! The Rock pounded down with hard clubbing shots to the back, but the Nomad turned the tables, fighting back with his own right hands. He slammed Rock head first into the wall, and then drove him straight through the near by coffee trestle table! With the Rock down Nomad taunted him, asking him who the jabroni was now, while still stomping down on the fallen Rock. Officials had to pull the Nomad back, and help the Rock to get medical attention.

The Hurricane and Matt Hardy made their way to the ring in an unprompted showing. The Hurricane said that their match for the tag team titles was interrupted by the vile combination of Oozaru and Banging, and he wanted justice for himself, and Mr. Mattitude. He called out the tag team champions, asking only for a rematch. The arena jumped up as Rhyno and Benoit ran down to the ring, straps in hand! Both champions swung the titles at the challengers, but they were ducked, and countered with hard right hands. Hurricane took Benoit down with a bulldog, while Rhyno and Hardy tussled it up in the corner. The referee was able to restore order as Benoit got the better of Hurricane and tagged in to Rhyno. Rhyno sent Hurricane into the ropes and took him down with a ring shaking clothesline. He picked the super hero up, looking to inflict further pain with a powerbomb, but the Hurricane managed to slip out and hit a DDT! Rhyno tagged in Benoit who did not expect the tag, and showed some displeasure with Rhyno, before taking Hurricane down with a stinging chop! Benoit stomped down on Hurricane, and locked in the crossface! Hurricane was too far from the ropes to reach, but somehow managed to slap the extended hand of his partner! Hardy climbed to the top rope and caught Benoit in the lower back with a diving leg drop, and then slammed Rhyno down with a hard clothesline as he jumped into the ring. Hardy dropped Benoit with the twist of fate, and then tagged back to the Hurricane, who went from the top with a big splash. Rhyno tried to get back into the ring as Hurricane got the three count!

The Hurricane and Matt Hardy celebrated their championship win, raising the titles above their heads, while Benoit and Rhyno backed up the entrance aisle. Benoit shoved Rhyno, and the two began arguing as they made their way to the showers, while the new tag team champs celebrated as Aftershock came to an end.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

ICWW: Civil Action (Jun 10, 2003)


Special mention:
The Nomad certainly doesn't smell what the Rock is cooking. How long will it be before these two egos collide, and what will the repercussions spell?

Statix d. Marc Scott
The Nomad d. Devon Storm
Banging d. Loopster
Special Referee - Oozaru d. The Hurricane r/ Chris Benoit
Michael Lucifer d. Jason Shamrock

The ICWW arena was packed as Buddy Luv and Stat-Man welcomed fans to Civil Action, hot off the heels of ICWW: Reckoning. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man discussed highlights from the event, including the bloody cage match, the return of the Rock, Jason Shamrock, Ironize and Pagan Freak! Stat-Man said that he was particularly impressed with the cunning of Marz, who just keeps finding ways to guarantee his title reign. Buddy Luv didn't approve, but did approve of some of the matches on the card for the night, including a rematch between Banging and Loopster, plus Michael Lucifer taking on the hardcore champ, and a special referee match!

Paul Heyman and Violent J made their way to the ring for an official presentation. Heyman took to the microphone, and told the fans that he was immensely proud of Violent J, so proud that he wanted to present him with a special, custom made ICWW/JCW heavyweight championship belt. Rockey Rakesh's theme music hit the arena as the little fire cracker made his way into the ring with a displeased look on his face. He asked Violent J, his bhai, what he was doing. Rockey told J that what he was doing was disrespecting ICWW, and all it had stood for. J said that considering he was talking about the same title held by Triple H, that wasn't really a great argument. Rakesh told J that he wanted a rematch for the ICWW heavyweight championship belt, and not any JCW belts, or any others for that matter. J pondered the moment and whispered with his manager Paul Heyman, and turned back to Rakesh, telling him that if that was the case, that would be fine, he just wouldn't get a rematch. J let out a big "oooh what a lovely tea party!", before Rakesh smacked him across the face, and said that the matter would be settled the only way it could be, each of them, man to man, face to face paint.

Enter the Statix. Green sparks overwhelmed the entrance way as the sensation made his way to the ring. He told fans that at Reckoning, revenge cost him the hardcore championship; revenge cost the Nomad the International championship. He said that revenge was everywhere, both in ICWW, and out, but it was going to go one step further. He said someone's life was going to be changed in ICWW, all because of revenge. Suddenly Ironize's theme music hit the PA, finding him on stage. He asked Statix if there was any chance a good old fashioned, non- provoked ass whoopin' would get him to shut up about revenge - Statix beckoned.

Scott went on the offensive, taking the fight to the all-seeing sensation with hard shots to the temple. Statix' hair lost some life as he shot into the ropes, striking Scott with a wild spinning heel kick. Statix continued the beat down with hard stomping kicks, and then hit the rolling thunder! Scott struggled to return the fight, sending Statix back with a perfect drop kick. He picked Statix up and sent him off the ropes, locking up with a sleeper hold, but Statix countered out with a stunner! Scott slung into the ropes and Statix looked to scoop him up for the Static Slam, but he managed to weigh out of it, locking up with a front face lock to drop Statix with a strong vertical suplex. Scott flipped off the crowd, only to be surprised by Statix with a powerslam, earning Statix the three count pin fall.

Backstage Loopster entered the locker rooms where the Pacific Connection were, and told them that he had something he needed to discuss. He said that he didn't think their match at Reckoning was fair, because only one of the Suck Squad got beaten up. He said he didn't know where Chaos Drone was, and he wasn't exactly sure what his point was. Oozaru raised an eyebrow as Loopster sat down and started blubbering, saying that they didn't know what it was like to suck, and he just wanted to try and prove he was worth something. Oozaru smacked the Suck One on the back and said with a smile, that his friend would be happy to help him. The connection laughed, Loopster joining in nervously, before being shoved out.

The Nomad made his way to the ring and took to the mic. He said that he was utterly disgusted in the way Marz again used under handed tactics to beat him at Reckoning. He asked for footage of the Rock's attack to be shown on the big screen, and again said that he was disgusted. He said he couldn't believe not only that the Rock did it, but that no one came to his aid! He said that only one thing could sooth him, and that was kicking the Rock's ass. There was no answer, and Nomad said he wasn't leaving until he beat someone up, and called out any talent that wanted to be put down.

Devon Storm ran his way to the ring with a freaked out smile on his face. The Nomad looked to the crowd with a sarcastic look on his face, and then told Crowbar that he should head back to NMW. Storm leaned over to speak into the microphone, but instead struck the Nomad with a head butt to the face! Nomad tossed the mic. aside and went on the attack with hard right hands, and then took Storm to the side with a side headlock, going off the ropes and hitting a bulldog! The Nomad taunted to the crowd, and dragged Storm up by the hair, who hit him with a low blow! Storm went off the ropes and took Nomad down with a hard face jam, and hit the corner with a spectacular split legged moonsault! Storm went for the cover, but only got a two count. He locked up for a falcon arrow, but Nomad slipped out of the front face lock, and took Crowbar down with an orange crush! The Nomad hit the ropes, waiting for Storm to stagger to his feet and dropped him with the bible black! With Storm down Nomad locked in the figure four leg lock, forcing the new superstar to tap out. The Nomad demanded a microphone and picked Crowbar up by the chin and told him to read his lips - no to the Rock, no to Marz, and no to new talent!

Backstage in the offices, Gwen Lucifer was with her husband Michael. She said that she wasn't happy with the cage match at Reckoning, and told him he went too far. He said that he did what had to be done, but Gwen told him that he went too far, and she didn't want to go down that road again. Michael pondered, and told his wife that he loved her, and that there was no need to worry anymore because he took care of Triple H. She told him that he was being silly, that as long as he was involved in ICWW there was always going to be another fight. She told him that people look up to him, and because of that, they all want to knock him down. The spirit of vengeance appeared to be in deep thought, and told Gwen that she had nothing more to worry about, because he loved her more than anything, and she could calm the vengeance in his heart, and so, he would retire at Highway to Hell. Lucifer tried to comfort his wife, who still looked unsettled, and told her it was all over. With a hint of uncertainty she agreed with him, which sparked suspicion. He asked her why she sounded so unsure, and then she told him that he should probably see a piece of video from when he was in hospital. On a small television Lucifer saw pictures of the tall figure standing over him in the hospital. His face twisted and he told Gwen it must've been painfully obvious to everyone that it was his brother! He exclaimed that it must've been him behind Triple H's plans, and demanded Gwen find him, and have him in the arena for Aftershock. He said that his retirement was obviously something that would have to wait, the spirit was still alive.

Loopster made his way to the ring with the crowd chanting, "you suck". The Suck One entered the ring, met with a much different response for the Pacific Connection! Banging taunted Loopster, faking attack several times before going on the strike with a neck breaker. Banging stomped down on the Suck One, before sending him into the ropes, taking him down with a sidewalk slam. The former grand slam champ laughed as he dragged Loopster up into a face lock, looking for a suplex, but Loopster managed to counter into the suck factor! He went for the cover, but only got a one count. Banging hit Loopster with an axe kick, and locked up for the Kiwi Bomb, knocking him out cold! Banging scored the pin fall, leaving with a smiling Oozaru. Loopster required medical assistance, and was wheeled backstage.

Albert Beefcake's theme hit the arena as the Alaskan ABG master made his way to the ring. He entered with the elimination results for round four. He said that due to the immunity process achieved at Reckoning, Chris Benoit was to be eliminated by default, however, he wished to inform the crowd that he also received the most votes with fifty percent, so it didn't matter anyway. He let out a Rar, and wished all the remaining contenders luck for the fifth round, and said that nominations would be announced on Friday's Aftershock. He strutted a little Beefer Bust before heading to the back, much to the dismay of fans, and the locker room alike.

Backstage the Rock was seen arriving when he approached Dez Burnett and asked him if he knew what had been happening, and if he'd been mentioned. Burnett told the Rock that the Nomad had mentioned kicking his ass earlier in the night, to which the Rock froze. He asked Burnett to repeat the statement, but before he could threw his hand into his face, and told him never to speak the Nomad's name in his grand presence ever again, if he smelled what the Rock was cooking.

Chris Benoit made his way to the ring, wearing a referee striped shirt. He said that he was pretty disappointed in being eliminated from Big Beefer, but that wasn't going to change his decision to call the upcoming match down the line. Oozaru headed to the ring first for the special referee match, against the Hurricane! The resident ICWW super hero made his way to the ring, to face one half of the combination that cost him and his partner the tag team championships at Reckoning. Oozaru began the assault, dropping the hero with a hard DDT. Benoit checked on the Hurricane as he dragged himself to his feet. Oozaru and Hurricane tied up, Hurricane swinging around for a waist lock and taking Oozaru back with a big German suplex! Oozaru staggered to his feet, and dropped Hurricane with a wonky clothesline, resting on the top rope to regain his composure. The Hurricane sprung back, dropping Oozaru with a flying swinging neck breaker, and then went to the top rope, looking to drop the big elbow, but instead he found nothing but mat! Oozaru recovered to his feet and locked up behind for a full nelson slam! Oozaru again picked Hurricane up, locking up in the full nelson and hitting the bomb! Benoit and Oozaru exchanged glares before Oozaru scoops Hurricane up and dropped him on his head with the lag buster. Oozaru made a confident cover, and despite initial hesitation, Chris Benoit made the three count.

The Rock's theme music hit as it did at Reckoning, and the former Eurasian champion strolled his way to the ring, smiling smugly at the fans aisle side. He entered the ring and grabbed a microphone, he said that there was a piece of trash floating around the arena that he liked to call the no-one. He said that in the Rock's previous terms with the ICWW, the no-one had gotten in his way just about each, and every time. The Rock said that he knew a lot of people said that he didn't have the ability to survive in ICWW. He said he knew a lot of people didn't think he had the balls to last in ICWW. He said that he knew a lot of people didn't think he had the intelligence to survive in ICWW. The Rock said that the millions, and millions of the Rock's fans would just have to watch his actions, because they would speak louder than any of his words ever could, and certainly louder than the no-one's, he said he wasn't there to fight, he didn't want to ruin his five hundred dollar shirt, but he let it be known that if anyone wanted to cross the Rock, particularly the no-one, then he'd smell it.

The Hardcore champion Jason Shamrock made his way to the ring, looking in fine form despite a lengthy absence due to injury. He hit the ropes awaiting the entrance of Michael Lucifer. The wall of fire hit as the looming spirit of vengeance stalked his way down to the ring. He climbed over the top rope and the match was under way, Jason Shamrock wasting no time going on the offensive with Lucifer with hard shots to the head. Shamrock pressed Lucifer off the ropes, taking him down with a hard diving forearm. Shamrock stamped down on Lucifer, and clamped down with the ankle lock! Lucifer managed to power out of the hold and regain his vertical base, going to work with a barrage of boxing punches, driving Shamrock into the turnbuckle. The Referee warned Lucifer to let up, prompting him to toss Shamrock across the ring with a throat toss! Shamrock scrambled to his feet as Lucifer made his way over him, Shamrock buying some time with stinging Thai style kicks to the lower calf of the leg. Lucifer snapped down on Shamrock, grabbing him in the death grip and dragging him to the middle of the ring. Lucifer cut his throat with his free hand and dropped Shamrock with a chokeslam! Lucifer stomped down on the weakened hardcore champ and picked him up, sending him into the ropes and finishing the match with a thunderous modified devil driver, before folding Shamrock's arms on his chest, and scoring the three count. Lucifer glared out at the audience with dark eyes as ICWW Civil Action came to a slamming end.

Sunday, June 8, 2003

ICWW: The Reckoning

Sunday June 08, 2003 - ICWW: RECKONING RESULTS:
Fans were pumped as the Reckoning music sounded through the arena, the big main event finally arriving. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were in the commentary booth, ready for all the excitement, discussing the matches in depth. Of course the world title on the line in a table match between The Nomad, and current champion - Marz, who had been rather evasive in recent weeks. Rockey Rakesh had to defend to his buddy Violent J for the world title, plus some great tag team action and the spirit of vengeance, Michael Lucifer, finally getting his shot at Triple H in the cage!
Dez Burnett versus Bill Goldberg
Proceedings kicked off with a surprise one on one encounter between Dez Burnett and Bill Goldberg. Burnett kicked things off, going to work on Goldberg straight up with a big flying head scissors. The jackhammer wasn't ready to go down just yet, striking back at Burnett with hard right hands, and then unleashed a hard Irish whip into the corner. Goldberg looked to continue the assault with shots to the gut, but out of nowhere Burnett pulled out the reserves and took Goldberg down with a swinging hurracanrana! The two were down but Burnett made it to his feet first, climbing up top once again to hit the moonsault. He had to steady himself, giving Goldberg time enough to prepare himself, as he somehow caught Burnett mid-air, and countered with a stalling jackhammer! He scored the three count.
Winner: Bill Goldberg
Backstage Michael Lucifer was strapping his wrists with Gwen Lucifer looking nervous. Gwen told him that she wasn't happy about the match, and didn't want Lucifer to go ahead with it. Lucifer turned to his wife and told her that there was nothing to worry about. He said that he'd fully recovered from his injury, and there was nothing Triple H could throw at him that he wasn't ready for. Gwen looked up at Lucifer through concerned eyes and said that it wasn't him she was worried about. Lucifer smiled grimly, and kissed his wife on the forehead before telling her that nature had to take it's course, and she shouldn't fret.
Tag Team match
The Pacific Connection versus The Suck Squad

Oozaru and Banging made their way to the ring to a huge ovation. The Connection in their first official tag team outing since reforming weeks ago. The Suck Squad entered with a slightly less spectacular entrance, the crowd chanting "you suck" as the two superstars stumbled their way nervously to the ring. Loopster and Chaos Drone argued over who should start in the ring, Loopster lost the argument. He gazed over at Oozaru, who looked extremely smug. Loopster went off the ropes looking to kick it off, but found himself on the receiving end of a big boot to the face. Oozaru picked him up, and planted him with a big full nelson bomb, before tagging in Banging. The Booker tied up with Loopster, and hit the Kiwi bomb! Banging tagged back to Oozaru before climbing the turnbuckle, and dropping the big double elbow! Oozaru scooped Loopster up for the lag buster, and made the quick cover.
Winner: Oozaru & Banging, the Pacific Connection
Hardcore championship challenge
Enter the Statix! The green sparklers shot up at the entrance as the hardcore sensation made his way to the ring for the hardcore championship challenge. He waited in the ring for a challenger, when suddenly someone jumped out of the crowd! Buddy Luv was baffled, but Stat-Man recognized the man as none other than Devon "Crowbar" Storm! Crowbar slid into the ring and the match was on, Statix beating on him stiff forearm shots to the head before sending him off the ropes, using the momentum for an inventive monkey flip in the middle of the ring! Storm rolled to the outside and fished out a chair, looking to use it as a weapon, but Statix predicted it, and countered with a jumping side kick, sending the chair back into Storm! Statix went for a cover, but only scored a two count as he sent Storm into the ropes, but found himself on the receiving end of a spinning heel kick. Storm continued the come back assault, hitting the rolling thunder! Statix kicked out of the cover quickly, but found himself in a front face lock, into a front suplex. Storm again went to the outside and found a crowbar! This gave Statix time enough to recover, dodge the crowbar attack and hit the Static Slam! He scored the three count on Storm, when suddenly Jason Shamrock raced down from the back! He dropped Statix with a belly to belly suplex, and scored the pin fall cover! He stomped down on Statix, and clamped down with the ankle lock before leaving with the title.
Winner: Jason Shamrock, new Hardcore champion
In the back Paul Heyman was with Violent J, preparing for the match later in the night. He told Violent J that it was here, and it was glorious. Heyman told him that tonight would be the night that the Y2Juggalo would reign supreme, and finally take the grand heavyweight championship, but not only would he do that, he would show the world how a true champion acted. He would show the world that he wasn't just a joke, just some clown, he was a threat to all in the ICWW. Violent J let out a big, "oooh what a lovely title party!" Shaggy 2 Dope crept up behind and asked Heyman if he could help him get a match. Heyman whispered to Violent J that he would take care of this, and then told Shaggy he had organizes a match for him with two mystery opponents, and so he should just head out to the ring.
Triple Threat match
Shaggy 2 Dope versus Marc Scott versus Pagan Freak

Shaggy 2 Dope wandered his way down to the ring looking like a curious cat as he awaited the entrance of his opponents. The crowd was stunned to find Marc "Ironize" Scott walk down the aisle with a smug grin on his face as the announcer called that it would be a triple threat match. Ironize took to his corner, when the Pagan Freak made his way to the ring in another shock entry! The three squared off in a three way tie-up, Shaggy and Scott thumped Pagan Freak aside, and went at it, Scott unloading with an outstanding drop kick! Ironize approached to continue the beat down with hard right hands to the head, but they had no effect on Shaggy who shook his head and started to clap up! When he was clapped up to the max he blocked the punches coming from Scott, and laid him out with a big scoop slam, and hit the ropes, only to be taken down by Pagan Freak with a hard clothesline. The Freak went for a cover, but only scored a one count as Shaggy kicked out. Freak sent him off the ropes, applying a sleeper hold to the Juggalo, only to have it broken as Marc Scott recovered, taking both men down with a running attack. Scott stomped down on the Freak, but was surprised from behind by Shaggy 2 Dope with a school boy, but he kicked out at two. Scott rolled to the outside, as Pagan Freak and Shaggy 2 Dope tied up once more. Shaggy found the upper hand, slamming his opponent down with a modified atomic drop. Scott spun 2 Dope around, only to find himself on the receiving end of the psycho flip! Shaggy was turned around again, this time by Pagan Freak, who pushed out of the psycho flip hold and hit the Ritual! Pagan Freak made the cover with a lateral press.
Winner: Pagan Freak
Heavyweight Championship match
Rockey Rakesh (c) versus Violent J

The Y2Juggalo, Violent J, paced his way to the ring slowly as his manager Paul Heyman continued to hold onto his shoulder, whispering advice. The crowd was high for Violent J, but they hit the ceiling as the Little Fire cracker, and current champion - Rockey Rakesh made his entrance! Rakesh handed over the belt and shook hands with Violent J before the match got underway. They tied up, Rakesh getting the early break with a counter for a DDT! The fire cracker was on for the title, going upstairs and connecting with a big top rope moonsault! Rakesh allowed time for Y2J to make it to his feet, and went off the ropes, Violent J ducked it, and managed to swing around Rakesh on the way back looking for a belly to back suplex, but Rakesh flipped over and landed on his feet! Violent J locked up and didn't fail with an overhead belly to belly suplex! Rakesh was a little staggered by the impact, but still managed to hit the Indian powerbomb! Violent J was starting to look desperate, as he hit a low blow! Rakesh was hunched over clearly in pain, but wide open for Violent J to hit the scissors kick and then a J-arooni! Rakesh staggered up to his feet and walked right into the psycho flip, seeing Violent J roll the champ up, and get the clean three count! Rakesh joined Heyman in raising Violent J's hand as the crowd went wild, finally seeing J reach the top! The Fire Cracker took to the microphone and said that he was happy that if he was to lose, he would lose to his bhai Violent J. He then smiled and said that he wanted the first rematch for the title. Celebrations continued to the backstage area, with the crowd on their feet!
Winner: Violent J, new Heavyweight champion
The Steel Cage lowered as images of the past feud between Triple H and Michael Lucifer had developed. Footage from their first encounter for the IWA Heavyweight championship match, up until the shocking attack after Lucifer was victorious against Edge at End of Infinity, when he was paralyzed! The footage ended with Michael Lucifer saying Triple H could no longer run, or hide. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were pretty psyched about the match, as well as what was coming up. They said that there was a lot riding on the tag team championship match, and plus the International title, which could go either way in the table match, where the Nomad likes to put his opponents through hell.
Steel Cage match
Michael Lucifer versus Triple H

Triple H entered the cage early, so that it would come down around, as he stared up at the towering construction, the wall of hell fire hit the entrance, prompting Triple H to jump out of his skin! The intimidating form of a spirit of vengeance stomped his way to ringside, staring through dark eyes at his target. Lucifer entered the cage through the door and it was on, Triple H going to meet him with hard right hands. The game shot Lucifer into the ropes, catching him with a knee to the face, and went straight for the nearest turnbuckle to climb out. Lucifer caught him on top, and dropped him down with a reverse Death Valley driver! Lucifer continued the attack, dragging Triple H by his hair, grinding his face into the unforgiving steel mesh of the walls of the cage! Lucifer dragged his face around the entire cage, before picking him up for a chokeslam! Suddenly Bill Goldberg ran down to the ring and burst his way through the cage door! Lucifer grabbed him by the throat on the apron and dragged him over the top rope into the ring! Goldberg was on the offensive, and managed to take Lucifer down with the spear! Triple H crawled out of the pool of his own blood to one of the corners, and used it to steady himself, before struggling with it. He tore away at it, pulling a sledge hammer that had been taped to the opposite side of it, and stared straight into it's head! Lucifer dropped Goldberg with a stiff back breaker and turned his attentions to Triple H. Lucifer smiled and charged straight at him, taking him down with a big boot to the face before the stunned Triple H even knew it. The spirit of vengeance was apparent as he picked the sledge hammer up, and brought it crashing down upon the game's left knee. Goldberg did his best to scramble up the cage to escape, but while Helmsley struggled with his knee, vengeance turned it's attention to Goldberg, bringing him crashing down to the mat from the top of the cage with a belt tug. Lucifer stepped in between the two bloody men, and grabbed them by the throats, dragging them to standing, and then brought them crashing down once again with a double chokeslam! Lucifer raised his arms in ceremonious fashion, only to drop both elbows down upon the two men's chests! Lucifer dragged triple H to the cage door with him, and stepped out, but as the bell sounded he brought the door crashing down on Triple H's knee repeatedly, before stalking his way to the back.
Winner: Michael Lucifer
Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were stunned by the severity of the match. They were quick to change topic. As the cage was raised, and the blood was cleaned from the ring highlights of the tag team tournament were shown, plus footage of the singles battles between tag team champions, and the contenders. Buddy Luv and Stat-Man spoke briefly about the excitement surrounding the tag team division at the current moment in ICWW, and also about the International championship match in the headlining slot after, featuring no holds barred table match rules. The match the Nomad is known for!
Tag Team Championship match
Rhyno & Chris Benoit (c) versus The Hurricane & Matt Hardy

Hurricane and Hardy made their way to the ring first ready to have their first opportunity at tag team gold. Rhyno and Benoit strolled to the ring with their respective tag titles over a shoulder, looking rather smug. Benoit and Matt Hardy started the match off, locking horns in a strong tie up. Eventually Benoit broke the hold, and the two exchanged chops, Benoit gaining the advantage and pressing Hardy into the ropes. Hardy took Benoit down with a side effect, and made the tag to Hurricane, who went straight to work with big right hands. Rhyno jumped into the ring and fell victim to the tough shots as well. Both Hardy and Hurricane sent their man into the ropes and both took them down with a hip toss! Hurricane continued to work on Benoit, stomping down and then going upstairs for a senton bomb, but Benoit rolled aside! The two men lay flat on the mat, before each made the tag! Rhyno took Hardy down with a big gore! He went for the cover, but Hurricane managed to dig deep down and break the count. Rhyno picked Hardy up and tied up with a front face lock looking for a suplex perhaps, but Hardy countered into the twist of fate! Suddenly Oozaru and Banging raced down to the ring and started attacking both teams! The six man tussle erupted into an out of control melee, forcing the referee to call a no contest.
Winner: No Contest, still tag team champions - Rhyno and Chris Benoit
International Championship Table match
Marz (c) versus The Nomad

The Nomad made his way to the ring first, dragging a folded table with him down to the ring, which was already surrounded with folded trestles. The International champion stamped his way to the ring to his theme song, but didn't enjoy it for long, the Nomad running out to meet him at the entrance. Nomad struck down with stiff shots, and jammed Marz face first onto the outside with a bulldog! Nomad dragged a couple of tables and tossed them into the ring. Marz recovered and jumped Nomad from behind with an axe handle smash, and shoved him into the ring. Nomad went off the ropes, looking for a running knee, but Marz dropped to the ground, and took him over with a Japanese arm drag. Marz turned his attention to the tables, looking to end the match early as possible, but the Nomad was up and tapped Marz on the shoulder, spraying the red myst in his face when he turned around! Nomad set up a table in the corner, and then turned his attention back to Marz, dropping him with a big falcon arrow! With Marz down Nomad once again went to the tables, taking the second one in the ring and setting it up on top of the other! With two tables on top of one and other in the corner, Marz hit Nomad down south from behind with a low blow! Nomad keeled over giving Marz time to gather himself on the outside, and pull a taser out from under the ring! Marz slid back into the ring, looking to use the taser, but the Nomad was ready and zapped him with the electrical charge, when suddenly an unfamiliar theme song sounded in the arena, and The Rock raced down the aisle, and made the save, taking Nomad down with the Rock Bottom! With Marz stunned and leaning against the turnbuckle, the Rock went off the ropes twice and dropped the people's elbow on Nomad! He then slapped Marz across the face and pointed to the Nomad, beckoning him to put him through the two tables! Marz staggered over to the Nomad, and hoisted him up with a powerbomb, driving him straight through two tables, allowing him to remain the International champion. 
Winner: Marz, still International champion
The Rock retreated whilst abusing the front row fans, as he made his way up the aisle, with Marz standing in the ring, still the International champion, as ICWW: Reckoning came to a shocking end.

Friday, June 6, 2003

ICWW: Aftershock (Jun 6, 2003)


Special mention:
Another underhanded win from the International champion. There'll be nowhere to DQ this weekend at ICWW: Reckoning!

Rhyno d. Matt Hardy
Chaos Drone d. Oozaru
Chris Benoit d. Marz
Banging d. The Nomad
Michael Lucifer d. Statix

The arena heaters were turned up with rain pouring down outside, as ICWW: Aftershock came on air. Buddy Luv and the Prince in the commentators booth to call all the action, both very excited about Reckoning. The Prince told Buddy Luv that even though he wasn't commentating, he was so excited, he was going to buy ringside tickets! Luv announced lots of matches for the night including Rhyno taking on Matt Hardy one last time; the world champion taking on Chris Benoit and the Nomad was in the house, looking to relieve a little stress, plus Big Beefer nominations!

Things kicked up with Mattitude Matt Hardy taking on tag champion Rhyno. The last opportunity for the two to take each other on before the tag team championship match at ICWW: Reckoning. The two squared off, with Matt Hardy sending Rhyno into the ropes, only to be on the receiving end of a hefty spinebuster. The assault continued, Rhyno stomping down, clearly trying to maintain an advantage for their match at Reckoning. The two continued the tussle, Hardy hitting the twist of fate! Rhyno seemed to be unaffected by the move, standing right back up pounding his chest! The manimal unleashed the gore, and then went for the cover, but Hardy kicked out! He again tried to cover, but Hardy once again kicked out! Rhyno picked the tough superstar up, and dropped him with a double powerbomb, scoring the final pin fall, giving the tag team champs the edge going to main event.

In the back the Suck Squad were moping through the arena when Banging and Oozaru surrounded them. Loopster said that they didn't want any trouble, they knew they couldn't beat them. Oozaru shoved Chaos Drone and told them that they needed sparring partners, and the Suck Squad were the lucky winners. Loopster and Chaos looked at each other worried, and asked if they could just settle it then and there. Oozaru looked over to Banging and smirked, and told Chaos he'd see him later.

Albert Beefcake's theme music kicked up signifying the start of the Big Beefer segment! Albert strutted his way to the ring, accompanied by the secretary to the CEO, Gwen Lucifer! Albert said that before he announced the elimination nominees, Gwen Lucifer had a surprise for Big Beefer! She took to the mic. and said that for the first time in Big Beefer contestants were going to be able to earn immunity! She said that all Big Beefer competitors that win their matches at Reckoning will earn one round of immunity. If they are nominated tonight, then it means they will be safe on Tuesday's elimination, if they aren't nominated, they cannot be nominated next round. Albert over sold the excitement, but then tuned in to reality to announced the round 4 nominees for elimination - Statix, Violent J and Chris Benoit!

Oozaru hit the ring to face off against Chaos Drone. Chaos looked extremely concerned about the match, but did his best to take Oozaru down with a vertical suplex, naturally having the move reversed. Oozaru taunted and pulled Chaos to his feet, dropping him straight back down with a full nelson bomb. Oozaru looked extremely confident, looking for an Irish whip, but the Drone reversed it, and took Oozaru down with a cross body block! The Suck Squad superstar went for the roll up and got a surprised three count! Chaos Drone ran from the ring to the back while Oozaru remained in the squared circle, evidently furious about the outcome.

Backstage Michael Lucifer was stretching in a dark corner of the ICWW gym - Enter the Statix. Lucifer stopped Statix from talking, and told him that he was provoking a lot of people with his prophecy bull, and before he said anything, he should understand one thing. His destiny was his own, and as far as anyone else was concerned, if they pissed him off, their future was his too. Statix nodded, and said he understood that no man was more a variable than Lucifer, but there's always more at stake than even he could realise. Lucifer told him that maybe he didn't understand, and needed to go to school in the ring. Statix said so be it, but offered Lucifer some friendly advice, Bill Goldberg was waiting to jump him outside the gym. Statix left, while Lucifer pondered and decided to leave, dropping Goldberg with a hard right hand before he could even jump out from behind the door way.

The International champion found himself with another test against one of the tag champs, this time Chris Benoit. Marz went on the attack with a neck breaker, and put his arms out either side taunting Benoit. The Crippler tied up, spinning around back with a waist lock, and took the champ over with a big German suplex! Marz struggled to his feet, looking to take Benoit down with a diving forearm, but Benoit ducked around it, and tried to counter it into the cross face! Marz found the ropes, and went on the attack with a rolling wheel kick, and then followed it up with the springboard kick! With Benoit staggering Marz locked up for the spiral bomb, but found himself on the receiving end of a back body drop! Marz obviously had had enough, and hit Benoit with a low blow, earning himself a disqualification. Marz stumbled up the ramp, snatching his championship from ringside and pointing to it as he retreated.

The Nomad made his way to the ring and took a mic., saying that what he just witnessed was a prime reason why he was going to win at Reckoning. He said as far as Juggalos go, Marz was an idiot. He said in the table match at Reckoning, Marz had no chance in hell of winning, because like he and all his Nomad's loved to say - no to new talent. Banging stepped out at the entrance way and Nomad called him to the ring before he even said anything. Nomad said he didn't want to hear it, he needed someone to beat.

Banging raced down to the ring and Nomad was waiting with a boot, stomping down on Banging, but the former grand slam champ managed to pull through, sending Nomad into the ropes, only to be caught with a diving forearm! Nomad went off the ropes once more, looking for an elbow drop, but there was nobody home! Banging recovered, dropping Nomad with a vertical suplex, and then hit a big knee drop. Nomad struggled to his feet as Banging hooked up once more for a belly to back suplex, but Nomad landed on his feet and hit the crescent kick! Nomad looked to put some serious hurting down on Banging, going upstairs for a moonsault, but suddenly Marz raced down to the ring and shook the top rope, leaving Nomad with nothing but mat! Banging crawled over for the cover, and scored the three count! Chris Benoit raced down and attacked Marz, but Banging leapt out of the ring to make the save.

Backstage in the locker rooms Paul Heyman was with Violent J. J had his chest pushed out as he looked to the heavens with Heyman, who grabbed him and told him his day had finally come, his time was now! He told him that Marz used to be the stronger link, but his time was gone, that was evident - it was now the era of Violent J! J furrowed his brow and asked Heyman what he meant by Marz being the stronger link. Heyman told him that it wasn't the time to be thinking of such things, not when the heavyweight championship was at steak! He said friendships would fall second, because Rockey Rakesh was nothing but a target now. An obstacle that had to be plowed down by the J-Train! J asked if he was tagging with Albert Beefcake again, to which Heyman stared blankly at. He told J once more to focus, focus on the gold. He then told J that if he won the title, he could make ICWW, JCWW! Violent J smiled and let out a loud, "Oooh what a lovely tea party!"

Green sparks shot up at the entrance way - Enter the Statix! The sensation made his way to the ring to face Michael Lucifer in a headlining match set up from earlier in the night. The spirit of vengeance came out in full throttle, going straight to work on Statix with hard right hands, and deep throat thrusts taking Statix to the corner. From the corner Lucifer unloaded, sending Statix across the ring with a big choke toss and then he folded his arms! Statix staggered to his feet and looked out at the crowd, and then back to Lucifer. He went on the charge, slamming Lucifer back into the turnbuckle with a big spinning heel kick and then climbed up, hitting down with ten punches and then looking to send Lucifer over with a monkey toss, but Lucifer countered into a Baldo bomb! Lucifer showed lingering signs of his back injuries, allowing Statix time to hit the rolling thunder! He scored only a one count, and found himself in a death grip from Lucifer, who once on his feet turned it into a tombstone piledriver! He waited for Statix to make it to his feet, and then sent him into the ropes, dropping him with a modified Devil Driver! It was over, Lucifer scoring the cover.

Triple H raced down to the ring trying to catch Lucifer unawares, but found himself on the receiving end of a chokeslam for his troubles! Lucifer stood tall as ICWW Aftershock came to an end, just days before the day of Reckoning!