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29, 2002 - ICWW: New Years Evil
fatal fourway has more than just a heavyweight championship
on the line, this is about grudges. Oozaru/Banging -
Tonight the lines will be drawn, and the feuds settled.
All ties will be broken, so that there may be a fresh start in the new year. The year of evil... |
"Ladies and gentlemen from the edge of 2002 welcome to ICWW: New Years Evil! I'm Buddy Luv, along side of me is Stat-Man and El Tripilacho, what a huge event this is fixing to be. By the end of the night a lot of grudges are going to come to a head. The Eurasian championship match between the Nomad and new comer Loopster is fixing to be a battle of old and new! The fatal fourway for the heavyweight championship! Not to mention the National championship going on the line as we finally find out who the phony cop really is! Here we go!"
Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring and jumped on a microphone. He said that he was prepared for any result here, and guaranteed that he would exact justice upon the person who had been posing as the phony cop. Violent J's music kicked up as the National champion made his way down the ramp. Albert began exclaiming that he knew it was Violent J, but at that moment the distorted voice of the phony cop started laughing through the arena. He said, "No Albert, it was so easy to make you think that. However it seems that we've been unable to phase your success, or Violent J's. So now it's time to do it manually..." At that second Marz raced onto the stage and made a b-line for the ring, capitalising on the shock still instilled in Albert and the Juggalo Champion.
Hardcore Triple Threat National Championship match
Marz d. Albert Beefcake & Violent J (c)
Marz headed straight for his former partner Violent J, and began hammering away with the mounted punches. Albert tried to pull Marz off, but J interpreted it as a double team attack and planted the Beefer with a DDT! Back on his feet but stunned, Albert then fell victim to a stiff neck breaker, which then allowed Marz to drop him with a flapjack! Just when it looked like Team Extreme may've returned, Marz turned and knocked Violent J into next week with two savage jabs with his nightstick! The phony cop then turned his attention to Albert Beefcake, slapping him hard with the nightstick and then he hooked up and dropped him on his head with a spiral bomb! Albert bought some time with his 'mofo low blow', but spent it on the mat completely dazed. Violent J used this time to roll to the outside to get hold of a steel chair, which he used to plaster Marz, but it wasn't enough! Marz managed to dodge the weapon attack and hit the spiral bomb on his former partner! He laid the stomp down on J, kicking him all the way out of the ring and then pinned Albo for the championship win. Not content Marz began hammering away on the fallen J with his nightstick, while the distorted laugh of the phony cop could be heard again! Albert already reeling in the ring looked even more shocked when William Regal stepped out of the entrance way. He called Albert a bloody idiot and told him that he only proved the point by overlooking the possibility of an alliance. Regal said that Albert had besmirched his career and he wanted nothing more than revenge for that, and for him exposing his bladder problem. He then joined Marz in the beat down, leaving Albo and J for dead.
Marz d. Albert Beefcake & Violent J (c)
Marz headed straight for his former partner Violent J, and began hammering away with the mounted punches. Albert tried to pull Marz off, but J interpreted it as a double team attack and planted the Beefer with a DDT! Back on his feet but stunned, Albert then fell victim to a stiff neck breaker, which then allowed Marz to drop him with a flapjack! Just when it looked like Team Extreme may've returned, Marz turned and knocked Violent J into next week with two savage jabs with his nightstick! The phony cop then turned his attention to Albert Beefcake, slapping him hard with the nightstick and then he hooked up and dropped him on his head with a spiral bomb! Albert bought some time with his 'mofo low blow', but spent it on the mat completely dazed. Violent J used this time to roll to the outside to get hold of a steel chair, which he used to plaster Marz, but it wasn't enough! Marz managed to dodge the weapon attack and hit the spiral bomb on his former partner! He laid the stomp down on J, kicking him all the way out of the ring and then pinned Albo for the championship win. Not content Marz began hammering away on the fallen J with his nightstick, while the distorted laugh of the phony cop could be heard again! Albert already reeling in the ring looked even more shocked when William Regal stepped out of the entrance way. He called Albert a bloody idiot and told him that he only proved the point by overlooking the possibility of an alliance. Regal said that Albert had besmirched his career and he wanted nothing more than revenge for that, and for him exposing his bladder problem. He then joined Marz in the beat down, leaving Albo and J for dead.
Backstage Loopster was standing by with Shane Altmann who asked him how he felt about his upcoming Eurasian title match. Loopster said that he was surprised how brutal William Regal and Marz were, but said it was only half as brutal as he could be. He promised to go out there and give the folks a show they'd never forget, as he whooped out the old, and waged in the sick.
Hardcore Championship match
Ghrimm d. Rockey (c)
Rockey started things in his first hardcore championship defense since defeating the Rock. He looked impressive, starting with a surprising Asai springboard moonsault! Ghrimm recovered dropping the champ with a nice DDT and then followed up with a Lou Thesz press. Rockey dropped his opponent with a nice hag-kor arawan and took it to his opponent with another moonsault! Ghrimm recovered and managed to reverse an attempt at a low blow. Ghrimm started to take hold, nailing the hardcore champ with his Dro Slam finisher! Ghrimm went into the ropes and jumped up to pin the champ with a smooth victory roll to score his first ICWW championship.
Ghrimm d. Rockey (c)
Rockey started things in his first hardcore championship defense since defeating the Rock. He looked impressive, starting with a surprising Asai springboard moonsault! Ghrimm recovered dropping the champ with a nice DDT and then followed up with a Lou Thesz press. Rockey dropped his opponent with a nice hag-kor arawan and took it to his opponent with another moonsault! Ghrimm recovered and managed to reverse an attempt at a low blow. Ghrimm started to take hold, nailing the hardcore champ with his Dro Slam finisher! Ghrimm went into the ropes and jumped up to pin the champ with a smooth victory roll to score his first ICWW championship.
Table Eurasian Championship match
Loopster d. The Nomad (c)
The challenger Loopster made his way to the ring first psyching himself up as Nomad entered the arena to a positive crowd response. He raced to the ring and wasted no time getting the match started with a vicious bulldog! Loopster shook it off and hit a double DDT combo! Nomad sent the Loopster into the ropes and dropped him with a crescent kick. He looked for another, but Loopster ducked under it and nailed him with a Thai knee right to the face. Loopster nailed Nomad in the head with his 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire, and then dropped him with the something factor! Loopster rolled out of the ring and got sick with the crowd as he slid a table out from under the ring. He rolled back into the ring and used his barbed wire 2x4 once again to knock Nomad silly! Nomad staggered to his feet and managed a bible black, but the impact was lost, allowing Loopster to get to his feet again and hit the Loop Pile Driver! Loopster headed to the outside once more and set up the table at ringside, slapping a high five to someone in the crowd before returning to the ring. He dropped the stunned Nomad with yet another Loop Pile Driver and then hammered down with his 2x4. Nomad seemed to get a second wind suddenly, after reversing another 2x4 shot Nomad hooked up for a powerbomb, driving Loopster's back into a turnbuckle! Unfortunately the move took a lot out of Nomad, allowing Loopster to hit another Loop Pile Driver!! He then taunted Nomad, dropping him on his head with a Bible Black! Loopster laughed and sent Nomad into the ropes opposite, and then flipped him over his head with a back body drop over the top rope right through the table outside for the win!! Loopster snatched the Eurasian championship from the referee and mounted the turnbuckle, showing the crowd his prize to a huge roar!
Loopster d. The Nomad (c)
The challenger Loopster made his way to the ring first psyching himself up as Nomad entered the arena to a positive crowd response. He raced to the ring and wasted no time getting the match started with a vicious bulldog! Loopster shook it off and hit a double DDT combo! Nomad sent the Loopster into the ropes and dropped him with a crescent kick. He looked for another, but Loopster ducked under it and nailed him with a Thai knee right to the face. Loopster nailed Nomad in the head with his 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire, and then dropped him with the something factor! Loopster rolled out of the ring and got sick with the crowd as he slid a table out from under the ring. He rolled back into the ring and used his barbed wire 2x4 once again to knock Nomad silly! Nomad staggered to his feet and managed a bible black, but the impact was lost, allowing Loopster to get to his feet again and hit the Loop Pile Driver! Loopster headed to the outside once more and set up the table at ringside, slapping a high five to someone in the crowd before returning to the ring. He dropped the stunned Nomad with yet another Loop Pile Driver and then hammered down with his 2x4. Nomad seemed to get a second wind suddenly, after reversing another 2x4 shot Nomad hooked up for a powerbomb, driving Loopster's back into a turnbuckle! Unfortunately the move took a lot out of Nomad, allowing Loopster to hit another Loop Pile Driver!! He then taunted Nomad, dropping him on his head with a Bible Black! Loopster laughed and sent Nomad into the ropes opposite, and then flipped him over his head with a back body drop over the top rope right through the table outside for the win!! Loopster snatched the Eurasian championship from the referee and mounted the turnbuckle, showing the crowd his prize to a huge roar!
Backstage Oozaru was with Shane Altmann when he said that he would finally take what was rightfully his. He told Altmann that he had never held a heavyweight championship, but it was only a matter of time because he was a monster in the ring. Suddenly Banging attacked Oozaru from behind with a sledge hammer! The grandslam champ hammered away on Oozaru. Before warning Altmann that Michael Lucifer and Shawn Michaels were next in line for an ass kicking.
Submission match
Jason Shamrock d. Kurt Angle
Shamrock and Angle stared each other down in the ring before tying up. Shamrock made the first move dropping Angle with a nice DDT. Angle went for his own DDT, but Shamrock managed to fend it off and drop him with one of his own. Shamrock hooked up his fallen opponent in an STF submission hold, but was too close to the ropes. Angle struck with a quick punch, and grabbed his opponent in a front waist lock looking for a belly to belly suplex, but Shamrock countered with a devastating suplex of his own!! Angle managed to hit a low blow, and suplexed Shamrock down giving him a chance to try for the Angle lock, but Shamrock reversed it!! Angle dropped the boot on Shamrock and locked up with an Angle lock! Shamrock's powerful legs managed to get him out of the hold, and got him into position to nail the wipeout! Shamrock followed up with a nice DDT and locked up with the guillotine choke hold, forcing Angle unconscious! Shamrock celebrated the win.
Jason Shamrock d. Kurt Angle
Shamrock and Angle stared each other down in the ring before tying up. Shamrock made the first move dropping Angle with a nice DDT. Angle went for his own DDT, but Shamrock managed to fend it off and drop him with one of his own. Shamrock hooked up his fallen opponent in an STF submission hold, but was too close to the ropes. Angle struck with a quick punch, and grabbed his opponent in a front waist lock looking for a belly to belly suplex, but Shamrock countered with a devastating suplex of his own!! Angle managed to hit a low blow, and suplexed Shamrock down giving him a chance to try for the Angle lock, but Shamrock reversed it!! Angle dropped the boot on Shamrock and locked up with an Angle lock! Shamrock's powerful legs managed to get him out of the hold, and got him into position to nail the wipeout! Shamrock followed up with a nice DDT and locked up with the guillotine choke hold, forcing Angle unconscious! Shamrock celebrated the win.
It was announced that the beat down Oozaru had received from Banging was so savage that it meant he would be unable to compete in the fatal four way heavyweight championship match. Oozaru had apparently been taken to hospital for a check up on possible broken ribs.
Fatal Fourway Heavyweight Championship match
Shawn Michaels d. Banging & Michael Lucifer (c)
Banging made his way to the ring first still wielding his sledge hammer encouraging Shawn Michaels to stay in his corner. The two jumped as the arena was filled with light from the infamous Lucifer wall of fire as the champion made his way to the ring quickly. The bell rang as Lucifer dropped Banging with a big boot, and then threw the sledge hammer out into the crowd narrowly missing fans. Banging turned looking for a DDT, but Lucifer reversed the move knocking Banging down allowing him to plant a big leg drop. Michaels jumped in and knocked Banging down with a nice crescent kick, but got taken down with a jumping DDT from the heavyweight champ. Michaels knocked Lucifer back with a nice heart punch, but was caught by Banging with a huge Samoan drop! Michaels hit a Judgment slam on Banging, but was sent flying with a huge clothesline from Michael Lucifer. Lucifer sent Banging into the ropes and then slammed him hard with a Death Valley driver. He rolled outside and threw the ring announcer into the crowd, taking his chair and heading back to the ring. Banging grabbed the chair while Lucifer stood on the apron, and drop kicked him off the apron back into the announcers table! Banging turned in time to nail Shawn Michaels once, twice, three times with the steel chair! With Michaels down Banging looked to inflict more pain, but Michaels was cunning enough to kick the chair right back in Banging's face! Michael Lucifer furiously climbed back into the ring and slammed Shawn Michaels with a huge boot to the face, and then grabbed Banging by the throat. The champ picked him up and planted him with an incredible Devil Driver!!! With Banging completely in another world Lucifer readied to pin when Shawn Michaels made a second wind attack with a huge Sweet Chin Music! Lucifer was reeling, and then Michaels hit another super kick sending him over the top rope. The heavyweight champ dived back into the ring but it was too late, Michaels already getting the pin to become the new champ! Michael Lucifer looked furious as he grabbed Michaels by the throat and chokeslammed him! He held the heavyweight title high above his head and continued to stomp Michaels down when all of a sudden Loopster raced to the ring and slammed Lucifer with the Eurasian belt! Familiar carnage as the last main event of 2002 came to a crashing end with Loopster standing tall over the big men!
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