Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tournament 68: Mid-Year Grand Slam - Day 2

Day 2 of Tournament 68 revealed a densely packed second part of the First Round bracket! Just like Day 1, the top seeds emerged comfortable in victory: KFL Champion and #4 seed Statix having no trouble with ArtemisFlow. #2 seed The_Purple_Bunny exited the British Exiter Liam with ease!

"The Predator" TonyTheTiger made waves as the biggest impact player of Day 2, annihilating unfortunate Aussie fighter: BIGkev! "The Service Krew" Damo & DeathScepter bounced back quickly from the disappointment of conceding their Duo Division Championship defense record at Supercard 80: Tower of Power XVI - both securing solid wins! Tower winner and reigning Hall of Fame Duo Division Champion Violent`J was a surprising entrant into the tournament, taking out The Invasion's Jason_Voorhees!

There was a long list of potential tournament favourites also coming out of the second half of the bracket: ElJobberMimeKing Ken, United: Artanix, United: ShoeBanging, ShawnMichaels, Jammer2Omega, "The Secret Weapon" SubScorpTile and others.

Tournament 68: Round 1 - Day 2 Results:
33. Statix (c) [#4] d. ArtemisFlow [+10]
34. ]{0MBAT d. Stealth-Ninja [+1]
35. Asesino d. Maridany [+2]
36. kingjolly d. Sgtf [+1]
37. CCShadow d. fraysol [+3]
38. Mime d. avenger45 [+3]
39. ElJobber d. Piccolo [+3]
40. STEROLIZER d. Killswitch [+1]
41. Banging d. Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer [+7]
42. PaganFreak d. J1sy [+1]
43. EasterBunny d. "The Rocket" MKR [+1]
44. ShawnMichaels d. NightHawk [+1]
45. Violent`J (c) d. Jason_Voorhees [+8]
46. TheMetinPorta d. Mark [+1]
47. United: Shoe d. Rhyno [+2]
48. redman d. "The Prodigy" nface [+1]
49. Coltess d. "Mad Dog" Onryo [+1]
50. Dez-Burnett d. nif [+1]
51. King Ken d. jaytea [+3]
52. Jammer2Omega d. Grayback [+1]
53. "The Apprentice" DeathScepter d. zebraska [+3]
54. Bee_07 d. AlbertBeefcake [+1]
55. Kiara85 d. deadly [+3]
56. J-Spit d. Philip94 [+1]
57. "The Chosen One" Damo d. Murdoink [+1]
58. Corrupt hydraslash d. "Big Johnny" Bofh [+1]
59. "The Secret Weapon" SubScorpTile d. deadpool [+3]
60. "Portuguese Pegasus" Zentile d. UlcaTron [+1]
61. Politics d. mwgrant0 [+1]
62. "The Predator" TonyTheTiger d. BIGkev [+26]
63. United: Artanix d. Ironize [+3]
64. The_Purple_Bunny [#2] d. Liam [+2]

The Tournament 68 Impact Players:
- Chromatose +MAX (R1), Ratt +MAX (R1), VenoMark [+MAX], TonyTheTiger +26 (R1), Genku +25 (R1), Porygonix +12 (R1), Statix +10 (R1), Violent`J +8 (R1), Banging +7 (R1), Hokey +6 (R1), nightbreed_16 +6 (R1), CaTigeReptile +6 (R1), DECEPTION +5 (R1), Sekktor +5 (R1), Scott-Howell +5 (R1), LordSkarlet +4 (R1)

The Tournament 68 Shock Eliminations:
- Nephrite (R1), AlbertBeefcake (R1), Killswitch (R1), UlcaTron (R1)

The Tournament 68 Casualties:
- Menas (R1)

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