Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pre-Show 89 is a Fight For Control

Late last year The United drove an apparent nail into the coffin of the beleaguered Invasion, boldly declaring the cancellation of the Monday Night Invasion! They backed it up in the new year, utilizing the influence of holding four major championships to launch the Monday Night Games!

At Supercard 88: Battle Royale, The United loosened their grip on three of the four titles -- and now The Invasion aims to seize the opportunity by taking away Monday Nights, as well!

Issuing the challenge for this weekend: DaemonX will lead the regrouping Invasion in a 5-on-5 Survival Sequence to determine control of Monday Nights. It will be the main event of Pre-Show 89: Control II -- a sequel to Pre-Show 78, where The Invasion thwarted The Alliance's attempt to steal Monday Night Invasion away from them!

The United have a growing line-up to choose from, with Battle Royale winner The_Purple_Bunny joining a team already consisting of: Shoe, Artanix, Mimik, Mime, & Murdoink! The defending team will be revealed this weekend - February 5th!

Pre-Show 89: Control II (February 5th, 2017):
- The Invasion versus The United [Survival Sequence]

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