Friday, April 30, 2004
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
ICWW: Civil Action (Apr 27, 2004)
Episode #39
Skyreach Centre, Alberta
Buddy Luv and Stat-man were excited to bring Civil Action back for a second week since it's return. Stat-Man told Buddy Luv that he was excited to be moving on, statistically speaking, and knew that it was going to be a great night. Buddy Luv agreed reminding fans of the pink slip hardcore title match later in the night, pitting Statix against his former mentor - Michael Lucifer.
Stat-Man was interrupted as Marz appeared on the big screen. He was sitting in a dimly lit vacant casino with a revolver in his hand. Marz spun the gun around on his hand and said that ICWW, like life, was just a big game. A game of roulette. Marz put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger twice, imitating the sound. "Click click". He said that like any game, the stakes would be higher for some. "Click click", again he pulled the trigger twice. He said that some didn't matter. He asked the question, 'what about Marz? What does Marz think?'. "Click click". Marz turned to the camera and warned that he thought it was time to play, firing the gun at the camera.
The Godfather versus The Hurricane
Old rivalries die hard as one half of the tag team champions, the Hurricane, took on his seminal counterpart, the Godfather. The Hurricane was able to keep the pace quick, keeping Godfather in the gates. The Hurricane went off the top, scoring a huge top rope spinning heel kick. Godfather tried to muscle back into the match, finding his way to a running splash. Hurricane was able to drop Godfather with the vertebreaker, but it wasn't enough. The pimp drop seeing Godfather to a victory.
Winner: The Godfather via pin fall [4:19]
In the back, Daemon X was with the masked superstar, Banging. Banging didn't seem to be himself, listening idly while Daemon X explained that he was going to feel out their situation with Rockey Rakesh. DX commanded Banging to watch his back while he took care of business. Banging dropped to one knee and bowed, while Daemon X laughed. Banging waited until the occult superstar was gone, before rising.
Steven Oozaru versus Hulk Hogan
The two big men hit the ring, in the Aussie colossus Steven Oozaru and Hulkamania Hollywood Hulk Hogan. The two clawed up in a test of strength, seeing Hogan get the better of Oozaru. Oozaru managed to battle back, gaining an advantage with illegal use of a steel bar! With blood running down his face Hogan managed to reverse the Irish whip, returning the favour with a shattering big boot to the face. With Oozaru down he dropped the big leg drop, but no content, Hogan signaled for one more! The second leg drop proved to be enough, earning Hogan the upset victory.
Winner: Hulk Hogan via pin fall [4:53]
Statix arrived in the car park, only to be confronted by roving reporter Gregory Helms. Helms asked how Statix was feeling coming into perhaps the biggest match of his career, a pink slip match against Michael Lucifer. Statix admitted he was nervous, and acknowledged that the future was never clear with Lucifer. He said the dismantling of the Four Horsemen was a good thing for him, and felt he could win. Albert Beefcake approached with a "rar", and asked Helms if he had seen the Hurricane anywhere. Gregory and Albert exchanged exaggerated winks.
Superfly versus Albert Beefcake
The second half of the tag team champions, and contenders set up to duke it out. Superfly presented Albert Beefcake with a dream catcher before the match. Albert seemed to have trouble understand how it worked, so Superfly explained it to him. While Albert, being a proud Alaskan, appreciated it's Native representation, he didn't appreciate Superfly's hybrid philosophy, showing it with a devastating cocobutt. Superfly struggled to fend off Albert's assault, looking for any edge. Some of the Godfather's hoes made their way to the ring, distracting the referee long enough for Superfly to blow powder in Albert Beefcake's eyes, giving him the roll up victory.
Winner: Superfly via pin fall [4:20]
Backstage the injured Nomad wearing street clothes approached Marc Scott at the catering table. Nomad asked if he had seen where Statix had gone after arriving. Scott corrected him for referring to him as Famine, and told Nomad that even though he'd been keeping an eye on Statix, he wasn't sure where he was. Nomad leaned in and warned Famine not to get involved in the night's headliner. As Nomad began to leave, Scott grabbed Nomad in a hammer lock, pulling him back by the shoulder to apply pressure on the injured mid-section and asked what he would to stop him. Nomad staggered away, leaving Scott to enjoy cheese and wine.
Daemon X versus Rockey Rakesh
Acidic Wonder had refereeing chores as Daemon X took on the current X-Division champion. The Wonder looked confident, dealing with a high paced battle. Daemon, already known for being able to tie it up with the best of them, matched Rakesh's speed. The yoga trained superstar tried to wrap his opponent up in knots, but DX was able to impose his influence on the champ. Banging slowly made his way down to ringside, distracting Daemon X long enough to allow Rakesh to steal the win.
Winner: Rockey Rakesh via pin fall [8:38]
Paul Heyman made his way to the ring with Rhyno to drum up hype for the hardcore title match at ICWW: Kingdom Come. Heyman began by acknowledging that he'd heard the news, and wanted to assure everyone that while Rhyno didn't have a strong record against Michael Lucifer, it wouldn't matter if he had to face him in the cage. Heyman reminded fans of the cage match Lucifer had against Triple H at Reckoning. He reminded everyone of the fierce rivalry between Lucifer and the Game. That Triple H had crippled Lucifer, and almost maimed his wife through Edge. Heyman then asked Rhyno what he'd ever done to Lucifer. Heyman interrupted and pointed out that he'd done nothing to ever cross Lucifer, which was why Rhyno was a shoe-in. Paul E. told the crowd that Lucifer was the spirit of vengeance, and without vengeance, he was nothing but a pussy cat. Rhyno and Heyman laughed as they left the ring.
Amazing Red versus Marz
The 140lb red tornado hit the ring for a big match early in his career. Marz was as unforgiving as ever, coming to the ring wielding a steel chain. The rookie in Amazing Red managed to disarm the former International champion in the early going, but fell victim to the springboard kick. The flying continued, as Red made another attempt to steal the match, looking for the springboard moonsault, but couldn't connect. Marz was able to finish it with a precise shotei palm, and a high flying Phoenix splash.
Winner: Marz via pin fall [4:02]
In the offices Violent J was sitting behind a desk with Hulk Hogan sitting next to it, watching a television. Violent J told Hogan that he thought his win over Steven Oozaru was pretty hot, but Marz came off pretty hard over Amazing Red. Hogan agreed, only to have J snap at him. Shouting about how much he hated that about Marz. Hogan tried to make it up to him, offering to fight Marz on Aftershock. Violent J pondered the situation, and told him he would think about it after the night's headliner. Hogan and J both rubbed their hands together and laughed with anticipation.
In the back the Nomad was sitting on a locker room bench with the light casting shadow over his face. Nursing his mid-section, Nomad looked up and told Statix that after all the advice Statix had given him he wanted to give some back. The Nomad told Statix that it wasn't too late to turn back. Statix turned to Nomad, and told him that he appreciated everything he'd done for him. The sensation told his friend that for the first time, he could see the future clearly. He knew something big had been coming, and that it was a destiny he was ready to face. Statix walked to the door and turned back, donning his sunglasses before stepping out of the locker rooms.
Pink Slip Hardcore Championship match
Michael Lucifer versus Statix (c)
Michael Lucifer made his way to the ring, back in the blue sash. Statix stepped out at the entrance to a huge ovation, carrying the hardcore championship over his shoulder. He stepped into the ring staring at the looming challenge in Lucifer. With a granite face, Lucifer went on the offensive swinging wildly at Statix with a lariat. The champ managed to duck it, and unloaded with a series of chops and martial arts kicks on Lucifer. Lucifer was able to get back in the match, blocking kicks with his shins allowing him to choke toss Statix into the corner. There, Lucifer unloaded with a series of body rips and boxing style punches. With blood dribbling from his mouth, Statix made it to his feet, challenging Lucifer to attack him. Statix was able to fend off further blows, but the a sumo oshi put Statix on the back foot. Leaving him open for a grounded throat strike, and a crushing defeat.
Winner: Michael Lucifer via submission, new hardcore champion [9:22]
Statix pulled himself up using the ropes, while Michael Lucifer received the championship strap. Lucifer headed for the ropes, but stopped after putting one leg through, to turn back to Statix. Emotion seemed to be the farthest thing from Lucifer's mind, offering only his typical frown before heading to the back. With a sheer look of stun on his face, Statix seemed to pass out, dropping to his knees before falling face down on the mat. Medical attendees headed to the ring as Civil Action came to a shocking conclusion.
Special mention:
The relationship between Banging and Daemon X continues to baffle.
Skyreach Centre, Alberta
Buddy Luv and Stat-man were excited to bring Civil Action back for a second week since it's return. Stat-Man told Buddy Luv that he was excited to be moving on, statistically speaking, and knew that it was going to be a great night. Buddy Luv agreed reminding fans of the pink slip hardcore title match later in the night, pitting Statix against his former mentor - Michael Lucifer.
Stat-Man was interrupted as Marz appeared on the big screen. He was sitting in a dimly lit vacant casino with a revolver in his hand. Marz spun the gun around on his hand and said that ICWW, like life, was just a big game. A game of roulette. Marz put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger twice, imitating the sound. "Click click". He said that like any game, the stakes would be higher for some. "Click click", again he pulled the trigger twice. He said that some didn't matter. He asked the question, 'what about Marz? What does Marz think?'. "Click click". Marz turned to the camera and warned that he thought it was time to play, firing the gun at the camera.
The Godfather versus The Hurricane
Old rivalries die hard as one half of the tag team champions, the Hurricane, took on his seminal counterpart, the Godfather. The Hurricane was able to keep the pace quick, keeping Godfather in the gates. The Hurricane went off the top, scoring a huge top rope spinning heel kick. Godfather tried to muscle back into the match, finding his way to a running splash. Hurricane was able to drop Godfather with the vertebreaker, but it wasn't enough. The pimp drop seeing Godfather to a victory.
Winner: The Godfather via pin fall [4:19]
In the back, Daemon X was with the masked superstar, Banging. Banging didn't seem to be himself, listening idly while Daemon X explained that he was going to feel out their situation with Rockey Rakesh. DX commanded Banging to watch his back while he took care of business. Banging dropped to one knee and bowed, while Daemon X laughed. Banging waited until the occult superstar was gone, before rising.
Steven Oozaru versus Hulk Hogan
The two big men hit the ring, in the Aussie colossus Steven Oozaru and Hulkamania Hollywood Hulk Hogan. The two clawed up in a test of strength, seeing Hogan get the better of Oozaru. Oozaru managed to battle back, gaining an advantage with illegal use of a steel bar! With blood running down his face Hogan managed to reverse the Irish whip, returning the favour with a shattering big boot to the face. With Oozaru down he dropped the big leg drop, but no content, Hogan signaled for one more! The second leg drop proved to be enough, earning Hogan the upset victory.
Winner: Hulk Hogan via pin fall [4:53]
Statix arrived in the car park, only to be confronted by roving reporter Gregory Helms. Helms asked how Statix was feeling coming into perhaps the biggest match of his career, a pink slip match against Michael Lucifer. Statix admitted he was nervous, and acknowledged that the future was never clear with Lucifer. He said the dismantling of the Four Horsemen was a good thing for him, and felt he could win. Albert Beefcake approached with a "rar", and asked Helms if he had seen the Hurricane anywhere. Gregory and Albert exchanged exaggerated winks.
Superfly versus Albert Beefcake
The second half of the tag team champions, and contenders set up to duke it out. Superfly presented Albert Beefcake with a dream catcher before the match. Albert seemed to have trouble understand how it worked, so Superfly explained it to him. While Albert, being a proud Alaskan, appreciated it's Native representation, he didn't appreciate Superfly's hybrid philosophy, showing it with a devastating cocobutt. Superfly struggled to fend off Albert's assault, looking for any edge. Some of the Godfather's hoes made their way to the ring, distracting the referee long enough for Superfly to blow powder in Albert Beefcake's eyes, giving him the roll up victory.
Winner: Superfly via pin fall [4:20]
Backstage the injured Nomad wearing street clothes approached Marc Scott at the catering table. Nomad asked if he had seen where Statix had gone after arriving. Scott corrected him for referring to him as Famine, and told Nomad that even though he'd been keeping an eye on Statix, he wasn't sure where he was. Nomad leaned in and warned Famine not to get involved in the night's headliner. As Nomad began to leave, Scott grabbed Nomad in a hammer lock, pulling him back by the shoulder to apply pressure on the injured mid-section and asked what he would to stop him. Nomad staggered away, leaving Scott to enjoy cheese and wine.
Daemon X versus Rockey Rakesh
Acidic Wonder had refereeing chores as Daemon X took on the current X-Division champion. The Wonder looked confident, dealing with a high paced battle. Daemon, already known for being able to tie it up with the best of them, matched Rakesh's speed. The yoga trained superstar tried to wrap his opponent up in knots, but DX was able to impose his influence on the champ. Banging slowly made his way down to ringside, distracting Daemon X long enough to allow Rakesh to steal the win.
Winner: Rockey Rakesh via pin fall [8:38]
Paul Heyman made his way to the ring with Rhyno to drum up hype for the hardcore title match at ICWW: Kingdom Come. Heyman began by acknowledging that he'd heard the news, and wanted to assure everyone that while Rhyno didn't have a strong record against Michael Lucifer, it wouldn't matter if he had to face him in the cage. Heyman reminded fans of the cage match Lucifer had against Triple H at Reckoning. He reminded everyone of the fierce rivalry between Lucifer and the Game. That Triple H had crippled Lucifer, and almost maimed his wife through Edge. Heyman then asked Rhyno what he'd ever done to Lucifer. Heyman interrupted and pointed out that he'd done nothing to ever cross Lucifer, which was why Rhyno was a shoe-in. Paul E. told the crowd that Lucifer was the spirit of vengeance, and without vengeance, he was nothing but a pussy cat. Rhyno and Heyman laughed as they left the ring.
Amazing Red versus Marz
The 140lb red tornado hit the ring for a big match early in his career. Marz was as unforgiving as ever, coming to the ring wielding a steel chain. The rookie in Amazing Red managed to disarm the former International champion in the early going, but fell victim to the springboard kick. The flying continued, as Red made another attempt to steal the match, looking for the springboard moonsault, but couldn't connect. Marz was able to finish it with a precise shotei palm, and a high flying Phoenix splash.
Winner: Marz via pin fall [4:02]
In the offices Violent J was sitting behind a desk with Hulk Hogan sitting next to it, watching a television. Violent J told Hogan that he thought his win over Steven Oozaru was pretty hot, but Marz came off pretty hard over Amazing Red. Hogan agreed, only to have J snap at him. Shouting about how much he hated that about Marz. Hogan tried to make it up to him, offering to fight Marz on Aftershock. Violent J pondered the situation, and told him he would think about it after the night's headliner. Hogan and J both rubbed their hands together and laughed with anticipation.
In the back the Nomad was sitting on a locker room bench with the light casting shadow over his face. Nursing his mid-section, Nomad looked up and told Statix that after all the advice Statix had given him he wanted to give some back. The Nomad told Statix that it wasn't too late to turn back. Statix turned to Nomad, and told him that he appreciated everything he'd done for him. The sensation told his friend that for the first time, he could see the future clearly. He knew something big had been coming, and that it was a destiny he was ready to face. Statix walked to the door and turned back, donning his sunglasses before stepping out of the locker rooms.
Pink Slip Hardcore Championship match
Michael Lucifer versus Statix (c)
Michael Lucifer made his way to the ring, back in the blue sash. Statix stepped out at the entrance to a huge ovation, carrying the hardcore championship over his shoulder. He stepped into the ring staring at the looming challenge in Lucifer. With a granite face, Lucifer went on the offensive swinging wildly at Statix with a lariat. The champ managed to duck it, and unloaded with a series of chops and martial arts kicks on Lucifer. Lucifer was able to get back in the match, blocking kicks with his shins allowing him to choke toss Statix into the corner. There, Lucifer unloaded with a series of body rips and boxing style punches. With blood dribbling from his mouth, Statix made it to his feet, challenging Lucifer to attack him. Statix was able to fend off further blows, but the a sumo oshi put Statix on the back foot. Leaving him open for a grounded throat strike, and a crushing defeat.
Winner: Michael Lucifer via submission, new hardcore champion [9:22]
Statix pulled himself up using the ropes, while Michael Lucifer received the championship strap. Lucifer headed for the ropes, but stopped after putting one leg through, to turn back to Statix. Emotion seemed to be the farthest thing from Lucifer's mind, offering only his typical frown before heading to the back. With a sheer look of stun on his face, Statix seemed to pass out, dropping to his knees before falling face down on the mat. Medical attendees headed to the ring as Civil Action came to a shocking conclusion.
Special mention:
The relationship between Banging and Daemon X continues to baffle.
Friday, April 23, 2004
ICWW: Aftershock (Apr 23, 2004)
Episode #43
Buddy Luv and Stat Man welcomed an ecstatic crowd to the return of Aftershock. They recapped some of Civil Action’s events, and told fans they were excited to see how things played out.
Handicapped match
Statix versus The Godfather and Superfly
Statix came out to the ring looking ready to fight in his scheduled Handicap match. The Godfather and Superfly came out as a team, with the arena filling up with fruitful colours, and peace music, ladies following behind. Superfly started things, laying the beats to Statix. Just as things started to look grim for Statix, he got a sudden burst of energy, taking him down with a series of high flying moves. The crowd was really behind Statix as he dropped Superfly with the Blood Bomb. Statix turned around just in time to nail The Godfather with a block, into a scorpion kick. The Y2Juggalo countdown hit the speakers, turning Statix toward the entrance in anticipation, only to be rolled up from behind by Godfather. The two celebrated their way backstage, leaving Statix in the ring in dismay.
Winner: The Godfather and Superfly via pin fall [8:09]
Jason Shamrock bumped into Michael Lucifer backstage, and asked him if he knew what loyalty was. Jason told Lucifer that just because his team didn’t come out with the win at Worlds Collide, it didn't make it right for him to turn his back on them. Lucifer told Shamrock that his team had disappointed him so much, that he couldn’t even concentrate in the ring last week with Marz. He assured Shamrock that he wouldn’t be so lucky on Aftershock, and said he'd be looking forward to seeing Shamrock in the ring later in the night.
Marc Scott versus The Hurricane
Marc Scott made his way out to the ring to face off against The Hurricane. The Hurricane’s speed proved to be too much for Marc, as he reversed everything Marc Scott threw at him. The tag champ went on the offense, showcasing his high flying abilities. When Marc realized there was nothing he could do to slow the Hurricane's momentum, he rolled out of the ring and walked away from the match. Marc Scott wiped his hands clean from the match as he headed up the ramp and went backstage.
Winner: The Hurricane via count out [3:22]
Statix burst into Violent J’s locker room backstage, demanding a shot at his International title. Statix told the Y2Juggalo to stop hiding behind his lackeys and told him to fight him like a man. Statix could see the future, and that future was the International title around his waist. Violent J told Statix that he was a business man, and as a business man he’d cut Statix a deal. Violent J would defend his International title later in the night, if Statix agreed to put his hardcore title, and career, on the line with an opponent of J’s choosing next week on Civil Action. Statix got pumped up and agreed to the stipulations, saying that it wouldn’t matter who J put him up against, he’d be the International champion. J told Statix he’d put his title on the line, but he didn’t tell him to who. Violent J thanked Statix for agreeing, and forced him out of his locker room, saying that after next week he wouldn’t have to see Statix’s face again.
Hulk Hogan made his way out to the ring to a drowning of boo’s from the crowd. Hogan explained that he is the strongest superstar to ever grace ICWW, yet ever since losing to Amazing Red, he’d been hearing nothing but disrespect from the fans. Hogan said that he was going to get the respect he deserves, and called Amazing Red out for a match.
Hulk Hogan versus Amazing Red
Hulk Hogan took out his aggression on Amazing Red, nailing him with various power house maneuvers. Amazing Red barely rolled out of harms way from the big Hogan Leg Drop, and took Hogan down with a quick bulldog. From there it was the code red standing star press, and the pin for a clean victory over Hulk Hogan.
Winner: Amazing Red via pin fall [3:36]
Amazing Red took a little too much time celebrating his victory, and was attacked from behind by an outraged Hulk Hogan. Hogan locked Amazing Red into the bear hug, and nearly squeezed the life out of him, before leaving him on the mat motionless.
Suddenly, Marz was sitting at the front of an empty classroom on the big screen. Marz said that undeserving superstars like Albert Beefcake were taking his shot at the International title. Marz beat Violent J in the Panic Room, he beat Michael Lucifer on Civil Action, and said he was going to beat Oozaru in the headlining match on Aftershock. Marz said Violent J was trying to hold his former partner down, but it wouldn't work. After he would beat Steven Oozaru, it would put him on the top of the contender list, leaving Violent J no choice but to give him the title shot at Kingdom Come. Marz swore that Violent J’s time was coming, and he could only avoid it for so long.
Michael Lucifer versus Jason Shamrock
Jason Shamrock started off the match looking good, applying various submission techniques on Michael Lucifer. Lucifer battled out, and went on the offense with some mixed martial arts. The devil driver was reversed into an ankle lock, and it appeared that Lucifer had no choice but to tap out. Lucifer managed to use his last bit of energy to reverse the ankle lock and nail Shamrock with the devil driver for the victory.
Winner: Michael Lucifer via pin fall [3:09]
The Nomad was backstage being interviewed by Gregory Helms. The Nomad told Helms that he still was, is, and always would be the best superstar in ICWW. Recently people had been taking advantage of his injuries, but The Nomad said he was taking the night off to rest and heal. Once back in action, he'd take out any jobber backstage who wanted to challenge him. He'd climbed the ladder quickly before, and he promised he would climb it even quicker this time, because he was better than ever.
A candle lit basement took the big screen, with strange chants filling the room. Daemon X was shown sitting on a cushion surrounded by a circle of candles, and in front of him Banging was chained to the wall. The chants continued to grow louder, and louder, until the room went black, and the chanting ceased.
International Championship match
Violent J (c) versus Albert Beefcake
Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd, only to be down-sized by the pop Violnet J received. Albert Beefcake got right into the match using a series of cocobutts, getting the crowd behind him. The two large men battled back and fourth, with Violent J eventually nailing a scissors kick. He followed it up with a spike DDT, proving to be too much for the Alaskan bear-whale, retaining his championship gold.
Winner: Violent J via pin fall [3:16]
Paul Heyman and Rhyno made their way down to the ring, and Paul explained that on Civil Action, Rhyno showed no mercy to Albert Beefcake, just like he would show no mercy to anyone else who got in their way. HE explained that Rhyno was on a mission for gold, and was willing to permanently take out anyone who should cross him. Paul Heyman went on to say that he talked Violent J into signing Rhyno a match at Worlds Collide. A steel cage match, against the hardcore champion, whomever the champion should be. Heyman said Statix would be wise to lose his match on Civil Action, because winning would be a ticket to get in the cage with the man beast, and to be ripped apart limb from limb. He proclaimed that Rhyno is the future of hardcore in ICWW, and there was nothing anyone can do to stop him. Rhyno and Paul Heyman then made their way back up the ramp, as the headliner began.
Marz versus Steven Oozaru
Steven Oozaru made his way down to the ring to face Marz, looking good after beating the other half of team extreme on Civil Action. History was on Oozaru’s side, as he tore into Marz, driving him into the turnbuckle with a belly to back suplex. Marz reversed a suplex attempt, and hit Oozaru with the shotei palm strike. Marz climbed to the top, and taunted the crowd, before hitting the phoenix splash.
Winner: Marz via pin fall [3:15]
Marz celebrated in the ring, making title motions around his waist, and sending a message to Violent J. Buddy Luv and Stat Man thanked the fans for tuning in, and encouraged them to catch Civil Action, to see Statix put his title, and career on the line.
Special mention:
Statix signed a deal with the devil. His fate will be decided on Civil Action.
Buddy Luv and Stat Man welcomed an ecstatic crowd to the return of Aftershock. They recapped some of Civil Action’s events, and told fans they were excited to see how things played out.
Handicapped match
Statix versus The Godfather and Superfly
Statix came out to the ring looking ready to fight in his scheduled Handicap match. The Godfather and Superfly came out as a team, with the arena filling up with fruitful colours, and peace music, ladies following behind. Superfly started things, laying the beats to Statix. Just as things started to look grim for Statix, he got a sudden burst of energy, taking him down with a series of high flying moves. The crowd was really behind Statix as he dropped Superfly with the Blood Bomb. Statix turned around just in time to nail The Godfather with a block, into a scorpion kick. The Y2Juggalo countdown hit the speakers, turning Statix toward the entrance in anticipation, only to be rolled up from behind by Godfather. The two celebrated their way backstage, leaving Statix in the ring in dismay.
Winner: The Godfather and Superfly via pin fall [8:09]
Jason Shamrock bumped into Michael Lucifer backstage, and asked him if he knew what loyalty was. Jason told Lucifer that just because his team didn’t come out with the win at Worlds Collide, it didn't make it right for him to turn his back on them. Lucifer told Shamrock that his team had disappointed him so much, that he couldn’t even concentrate in the ring last week with Marz. He assured Shamrock that he wouldn’t be so lucky on Aftershock, and said he'd be looking forward to seeing Shamrock in the ring later in the night.
Marc Scott versus The Hurricane
Marc Scott made his way out to the ring to face off against The Hurricane. The Hurricane’s speed proved to be too much for Marc, as he reversed everything Marc Scott threw at him. The tag champ went on the offense, showcasing his high flying abilities. When Marc realized there was nothing he could do to slow the Hurricane's momentum, he rolled out of the ring and walked away from the match. Marc Scott wiped his hands clean from the match as he headed up the ramp and went backstage.
Winner: The Hurricane via count out [3:22]
Statix burst into Violent J’s locker room backstage, demanding a shot at his International title. Statix told the Y2Juggalo to stop hiding behind his lackeys and told him to fight him like a man. Statix could see the future, and that future was the International title around his waist. Violent J told Statix that he was a business man, and as a business man he’d cut Statix a deal. Violent J would defend his International title later in the night, if Statix agreed to put his hardcore title, and career, on the line with an opponent of J’s choosing next week on Civil Action. Statix got pumped up and agreed to the stipulations, saying that it wouldn’t matter who J put him up against, he’d be the International champion. J told Statix he’d put his title on the line, but he didn’t tell him to who. Violent J thanked Statix for agreeing, and forced him out of his locker room, saying that after next week he wouldn’t have to see Statix’s face again.
Hulk Hogan made his way out to the ring to a drowning of boo’s from the crowd. Hogan explained that he is the strongest superstar to ever grace ICWW, yet ever since losing to Amazing Red, he’d been hearing nothing but disrespect from the fans. Hogan said that he was going to get the respect he deserves, and called Amazing Red out for a match.
Hulk Hogan versus Amazing Red
Hulk Hogan took out his aggression on Amazing Red, nailing him with various power house maneuvers. Amazing Red barely rolled out of harms way from the big Hogan Leg Drop, and took Hogan down with a quick bulldog. From there it was the code red standing star press, and the pin for a clean victory over Hulk Hogan.
Winner: Amazing Red via pin fall [3:36]
Amazing Red took a little too much time celebrating his victory, and was attacked from behind by an outraged Hulk Hogan. Hogan locked Amazing Red into the bear hug, and nearly squeezed the life out of him, before leaving him on the mat motionless.
Suddenly, Marz was sitting at the front of an empty classroom on the big screen. Marz said that undeserving superstars like Albert Beefcake were taking his shot at the International title. Marz beat Violent J in the Panic Room, he beat Michael Lucifer on Civil Action, and said he was going to beat Oozaru in the headlining match on Aftershock. Marz said Violent J was trying to hold his former partner down, but it wouldn't work. After he would beat Steven Oozaru, it would put him on the top of the contender list, leaving Violent J no choice but to give him the title shot at Kingdom Come. Marz swore that Violent J’s time was coming, and he could only avoid it for so long.
Michael Lucifer versus Jason Shamrock
Jason Shamrock started off the match looking good, applying various submission techniques on Michael Lucifer. Lucifer battled out, and went on the offense with some mixed martial arts. The devil driver was reversed into an ankle lock, and it appeared that Lucifer had no choice but to tap out. Lucifer managed to use his last bit of energy to reverse the ankle lock and nail Shamrock with the devil driver for the victory.
Winner: Michael Lucifer via pin fall [3:09]
The Nomad was backstage being interviewed by Gregory Helms. The Nomad told Helms that he still was, is, and always would be the best superstar in ICWW. Recently people had been taking advantage of his injuries, but The Nomad said he was taking the night off to rest and heal. Once back in action, he'd take out any jobber backstage who wanted to challenge him. He'd climbed the ladder quickly before, and he promised he would climb it even quicker this time, because he was better than ever.
A candle lit basement took the big screen, with strange chants filling the room. Daemon X was shown sitting on a cushion surrounded by a circle of candles, and in front of him Banging was chained to the wall. The chants continued to grow louder, and louder, until the room went black, and the chanting ceased.
International Championship match
Violent J (c) versus Albert Beefcake
Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd, only to be down-sized by the pop Violnet J received. Albert Beefcake got right into the match using a series of cocobutts, getting the crowd behind him. The two large men battled back and fourth, with Violent J eventually nailing a scissors kick. He followed it up with a spike DDT, proving to be too much for the Alaskan bear-whale, retaining his championship gold.
Winner: Violent J via pin fall [3:16]
Paul Heyman and Rhyno made their way down to the ring, and Paul explained that on Civil Action, Rhyno showed no mercy to Albert Beefcake, just like he would show no mercy to anyone else who got in their way. HE explained that Rhyno was on a mission for gold, and was willing to permanently take out anyone who should cross him. Paul Heyman went on to say that he talked Violent J into signing Rhyno a match at Worlds Collide. A steel cage match, against the hardcore champion, whomever the champion should be. Heyman said Statix would be wise to lose his match on Civil Action, because winning would be a ticket to get in the cage with the man beast, and to be ripped apart limb from limb. He proclaimed that Rhyno is the future of hardcore in ICWW, and there was nothing anyone can do to stop him. Rhyno and Paul Heyman then made their way back up the ramp, as the headliner began.
Marz versus Steven Oozaru
Steven Oozaru made his way down to the ring to face Marz, looking good after beating the other half of team extreme on Civil Action. History was on Oozaru’s side, as he tore into Marz, driving him into the turnbuckle with a belly to back suplex. Marz reversed a suplex attempt, and hit Oozaru with the shotei palm strike. Marz climbed to the top, and taunted the crowd, before hitting the phoenix splash.
Winner: Marz via pin fall [3:15]
Marz celebrated in the ring, making title motions around his waist, and sending a message to Violent J. Buddy Luv and Stat Man thanked the fans for tuning in, and encouraged them to catch Civil Action, to see Statix put his title, and career on the line.
Special mention:
Statix signed a deal with the devil. His fate will be decided on Civil Action.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
ICWW: Civil Action (Apr 20, 2004)
Episode #38
The return of Civil Action kicked off with a huge pop from the crowd. Buddy Luv
and Stat Man talked about Worlds Collide III, that went down just two days ago,
and were excited to see how the aftermath of things played out.
Michael Lucifer’s music hit, as the former International champion made his way
down to the ring. Lucifer talked about how his horsemen let him down at Worlds
Collide, and stated that he would no longer team with a group of losers. He accused
Marz of bringing the team down, by losing the final match to Violent J. Even after
Lucifer basically handed Marz the belt at Panic Attack, he couldn’t accomplish a
simple task like defeating Violent J. There was a lesson to be taught, and Marz
would learn it later in the night in the headlining match. Michael Lucifer left the ring
in time for the first match of the night to begin.
Marc Scott vs The Nomad
The recently returned Nomad made his way to the ring after a disappointing loss at
Worlds Collide. The Nomad was looking to redeem himself as one of the top
superstars in the ranks. Marc Scott’s cockiness played a real advantage to him in this
match, as it started off with an exchange of shots and blows. After a pretty even,
back and fourth match, Marc Scott managed to sneak in a low blow, and got the roll
up, using the ropes for leverage.
Winner: Marc Scott via pin fall [5:36]
Violent J was walking through the backstage area, looking pretty proud of himself
with the International title on one shoulder, and the JCW title on the other. He
approached a locker room and opened the door to reveal Statix and Oozaru sitting
on the inside. He informed them that as the new booker, he was willing to give one of
them the opportunity of a lifetime later in the night. He would allow one of them to
take on the International champion in a non-title match. Statix jumped at the opportunity,
telling the Y2Juggalo that he would take him on. Violent J told Statix he was cute, but
putting someone so low on the card in a match with himself, wouldn’t make for good
ratings. Violent J then winked at Oozaru before leaving the room.
A familiar theme hit the arena as Paul Heyman appeared on the ramp. The crowd’s
reaction was a mixture of cheers and boos, as obviously the presence of Heyman can
either mean something great, or something horrible was about to hit ICWW. Paul told
the fans that he was in the arena tonight, because he saw potential in one of the
superstars. This superstar is possibly the greatest ICWW has ever seen, yet has been
drastically overlooked. With no more time wasted, Rhyno made his way down to the ring.
Heyman set out a challenge to anyone backstage who thought they had what it takes
to beat the manimal.
Rhyno vs Albert Beefcake
Albert cheerfully made his way to the ring, obviously not discouraged by his recent
loss. Rhyno took control of the match early on, manhandling Albert throughout most
of it. Rhyno called for the gore as Albert got back to his feet, but Albert managed to
dodge it, sending Rhyno into the ring post. Albert then capitalized with the Albo Bomb!
Paul Heyman jumped up onto the apron, distracting the ref and Albo. The Big Beefer
finally turned around, only to be nailed on the skull with a steel chair. The ref caught
a glimpse of this, and disqualified Rhyno.
Winner: Albert Beefcake via disqualification [3:21]
Rockey Rakesh was in his locker room meditating when there was a bang on the door.
Rakesh got up startled, before running out of the room and down the hall.
Attention shifted to Marz, who was sitting in a back alley way on top of a dumpster.
Marz stated that he’d been abandoned by everyone he’d cared for his whole life. The
world doesn’t want him, and he no longer wants the world. If Michael Lucifer wanted a
match with him, that would be fine, promising Mick was only digging his own grave.
Violent J vs Steven Oozaru
Violent J made his way to the ring, with a huge pop from the crowd, and got in with
the awaiting Steven Oozaru. Oozaru took advantage of Violent J, hitting him with
many technical moves, before Violent J managed to reverse a side head lock and
nailed Oozaru with the Scissors kick. Violent J climbed the turnbuckle, and pumped
the crowd up for the Psycho Flip, but was pushed from behind by Statix. Oozaru got
to his feet and capitalized on this, and nailed Violent J with the flatliner for the cover.
Winner: Steven Oozaru via pin fall [1:57]
Daemon X was backstage laughing, when Banging approached. Banging told Daemon
X that what he did to Rakesh wasn’t funny, and every time he did something like that
Banging loses a piece of his soul. Daemon X laughed and said that while Banging was
losing his soul, Daemon X was only gaining more power over him. Soon Banging would
be nothing more than his minion. Banging stood there stunned, as Daemon X walked
The focus turned to Violent J, who was walking through the backstage area furious in
search of Statix. By the time he found him sitting by a water cooler, he had calmed
down a little. Statix complimented J on his impressive match. The Y2Juggalo was on a
losing streak against Oozaru. Violent J told Statix he had a parable for him. He told
Statix there was once a big snake, and this snake gave birth to a little snake who then
grew to become a big snake. He also gave birth to a little snake. Violent J asked Statix
what he thought the little snake grew up to be. Statix thought it would also turn into a
big snake, and Violent J nodded in agreement. The Y2Juggalo told Statix to know who
his father is and to be ready, because he would face the a 6’7, 275lbs monster.
Statix vs Hulk Hogan
The arena erupted with boos as Hulk Hogan made his way out to the ring to face
Statix. Hogan manhandled Statix, throughout this miss-match, that Violent J had
forced Statix into. Statix managed to use his great speed to get the upper hand on
Hogan, finishing him off with the Static Slam. Statix celebrated his victory in the ring,
and managed to slip out, escaping Hogan’s wrath as he charged at him with a steel
chair, taunting Hogan as he left up the ramp.
Winner: Statix via pin fall [4:04]
Godfather and Zeganance hid something behind their back, and waved some
smoke away as Violent J burst into their locker room. Violent J told them that he had
a mission for them. He went on to explain that if they take out Statix in a handicap
match on Aftershock, he would reward them with a shot at the tag team titles at the
next main event. Zeganance and Godfather quickly agreed, and wiped some sweat
from their foreheads as Violent J left the room.
Michael Lucifer vs Marz
Marz and Michael Lucifer locked up in the center of the ring, as months of history
collided between the two. Michael Lucifer used his martial arts techniques in the
ring, but it wasn’t enough to take down Marz, who seemingly had some new passion
pushing him to the limits. Marz managed to nail Lucifer with a Shotei palm strike and
went to the top rope for a Pheonix Splash, and the win.
Winner: Marz via pin fall [4:12]
Marz got in Michael Lucifer’s face and took off up the ramp with rage in his eyes, as
Civil Action came to a conclusion. Buddy Luv and Stat Man thanked everyone for
tuning in, and told them to be sure to tune in for the return of Aftershock later in the
week, guaranteed to be an exciting one.
Special mention:
Steven Oozaru takes
another big step in
his quest to prove
his worth as world
Sunday, April 18, 2004
ICWW: Worlds Collide III
Worlds Collide III April 18, 2004
Hatred discriminates against no one.
In war, there will be casualties on both sides.
Sometimes, in moments of civil unrest, the
enemy is one's self. This is the most frightening
war of them all. For inevitably, victory must be
follow by defeat. This is the Apocalypse.
Hatred discriminates against no one.
In war, there will be casualties on both sides.
Sometimes, in moments of civil unrest, the
enemy is one's self. This is the most frightening
war of them all. For inevitably, victory must be
follow by defeat. This is the Apocalypse.
Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were hitting the roof as ICWW: Worlds Collide kicked off.
They recapped the lead up to the event, which saw Michael Lucifer retaliate against the Mystery CEO,
ultimately splitting the promotion down the middle. Stat-Man updated that the stakes were high with
a late stipulation stating that if Michael Lucifer's team were to win, the Mystery CEO would have to
reveal himself. Buddy Luv exclaimed his joy for that, and the world title match as the opener kicked off.
Hardcore championship match
Famine (c) versus Statix
Hardcore championship on the line with the first of the Four Horsemen being represented in the form
of the wile, Marc Scott, aka Famine. He started the match using the title as a weapon, but Statix soon
asserted himself as a threat, using his greater speed to take it to the hardcore champion.
After spilling to the outside, Statix managed to finish the match with a scorpion kick and blood bomb.
Winner: Statix via pin fall, new hardcore champion [4:35]
In the back Violent J was with Gregory Helms to discuss the match against his former partner for the
International championship. Violent J explained that although he and Marz were good buddies, they
were also good enemies. The Y2Juggalo revealed that he had had a meeting with the Mystery CEO
earlier in the night, and had been promised the role of head booker if he won the world title.
Shocked, Helms asked J if he knew who the Mystery CEO was. The Y2Juggalo laughed, and told Helms
that everyone who matters knows the Mystery CEO, and the CEO knew that he would make a better
booker than Halle Berry would make a Catwoman. Gregory Helms looked puzzled, as J headed off.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan versus The Godfather
Hulkamania was running less than wild as the fans offered nothing but disapproval for Hogan. The
Godfather may have had the crowd's support behind him, but Hogan was able to exert his dominance
over him. The heavyweights shook the ring as they battled it out, ultimately Hogan's endurance
proving to be the difference. Unable to hit the pimp drop, Godfather fell victim to the big boot/leg drop
combo. After that, Godfather was unable to get off the mat for all the escorts in the world.
Winner: Hollywood Hulk Hogan via pin fall [5:37]
In the offices Abel Lucifer was with his brother Michael. Michael Lucifer asked his brother if he was
happy now that things were being dealt with proactively. Abel told his brother that he wasn't sure if
fighting theatrics with theatrics was the right move, but admitted that Michael got the better of him in the
final battle, so his opinion probably didn't count. Michael assured Abel that everything was coming to
a long overdue conclusion, because he'd screwed the CEO plenty of times in the past, and would be
happy to screw them one more time. Before leaving Abel told his brother he hoped he was right, because
the last time he tried that, he lost ICWW to Shawn Michaels.
Rhyno versus Jason Shamrock
Representing the Mystery CEO, the manimal Rhyno looked in supreme shape as he headed out to face
Jason Shamrock. Shamrock's aura of confidence and focus seemed to be lacking since his Heavyweight
championship loss at ICWW: Panic Attack. Shamrock did his best to fend off the assault, utilising the
ankle lock submission, but it wasn't enough. Rhyno managed to gore himself another victory.
Winner: Rhyno via pin fall [9:37]
Backstage the new Hardcore champion, Statix, bumped into his partner the Nomad!
Statix was pleased to see the bandaged superstar, asking what he was doing in the arena. Nomad told
Statix that the Mystery CEO had asked him to be the tenth man. Statix told Nomad that he wasn't sure if
fighting in his condition was a good idea. Steven Oozaru loomed over Nomad with a smile on his face, and
looked his opponent up and down. Oozaru told Nomad that he thought his ribs looked a little tender, and
licked his lips before laughing his way to the locker rooms. Nomad and Statix looked on concerned.
Ultimate X X-Division championship match
Rockey Rakesh versus Amazing Red
After one year the X-Division championship strap was back in action. Buddy Luv informed that former X
champions, Loopster and Chaos Drone, were unable to attend the event.
The 140lb superstar, Amazing Red, had the crowd on their feet as he turned his sixty pound disadvantage
around, flying on Rakesh. The Yoga trained superstar was able to battle back, hitting Amazing Red with the
619 rope move. The two took to the cables, climbing over the ring in the first of it's kind match for ICWW.
With the title suspended in the middle of the ring, Amazing Red struggled to pull it loose as Rakesh shook
the cables. In the end the Indian superstar was able to use meditation to stay on the cable, to take the title.
Winner: Rockey Rakesh via title grab, new X-Division champion [12:18]
Albert Beefcake was in the back with the recently retired, Acidic Wonder. The Beefer asked the Wonder
what his plans were for the future. Acidic Wonder explained that although he had retired from in-ring
competition, the Mystery CEO had hired him as a referee. Albo asked Acidic Wonder how he would call
the match later in the night, between Shawn Michaels and the Zenlightened, Superfly.
Acidic Wonder assured Albert that he would make an appropriate decision.
Steven Oozaru versus The Nomad
The mystery final opponent made his triumphant return from injury, but the task was daunting. Steven
Oozaru seemed to take pleasure in slowly inflicting pain on the injured back of the Nomad. Nomad did
his best to battle back, buying time wherever he could, but only played into Oozaru's hands. The big
man eventually picked the Nomad apart piece by piece, fending off the bible black several times and
surviving the red myst, before finishing the match with the flatliner.
Winner: Steven Oozaru via pin fall [4:18]
Outside the locker rooms The Hurricane emerged, coming across Superfly. Hurricane asked Superfly if
he knew anything about illegal substances on the premises. Superfly coughed, and told Hurricane that he
had heard someone had marijuana for medicinal purposes. Satisfied, Hurricane then asked what Superfly
was doing dawdling around outside the locker rooms. Superfly told Hurricane that he was carrying a lot of
stress, and should open his mind to herbal medicines to allow himself to truly fly. Hurricane eyed Superfly
suspiciously as Superfly strutted toward the entrance.
Shawn Michaels versus Superfly
With Acidic Wonder debuting as a referee, Shawn Michaels was understandably suspicious of what it meant
for his chances. Superfly took full advantage, attacking Michaels from behind, but after a knock down and
top rope elbow drop, Michaels managed to battle back on top. Claiming a slow count, Shawn Michaels and
Acidic Wonder came face to face in heated dispute. Superfly looked to capitalize once more, only to walk
into the sweet chin music finishing kick for a knock out.
Winner: Shawn Michaels via pin fall [3:19]
Backstage Daemon X was passing the parking lot, when Banging stumbled out. Banging tilted his head
and stared at the horseman of War. Daemon X asked Banging when he would be coming back to the
dungeon and laughed. He told the masked superstar that he had truly drawn the short straw in a casket
match with Michael Lucifer, and that the scars he had inflicted upon him were potentially nothing compared
to what Lucifer could do. As Banging backed away, Daemon X taunted him, asking if he remembered the
eye of Agamotto. DX laughed, prophesizing apocalypse in his future.
The Hurricane versus Pestilence
The Hurricane and Pestilence stood face to face, like two faces of a mirror - one evil, one heroic.
Pestilence was slow in starting, suffering under the much faster pace maintained by the Hurricane. Jesseman
was able to lure his neon green counterpart to the outside, but it wasn't enough. Jesseman looked for the
injustice judgment, but was unable to connect. Finally the Hurricane was able to strike back with the chokeslam,
and finished it, unleashing the eye of the hurricane for a fall.
Winner: The Hurricane via pin fall [3:42]
The Hurricane arrived behind the curtain to be greeted by his tag partner, Albert Beefcake. Albo congratulated
him on the victory with a rar, and told Hurricane that he would finish the occult War in the same fashion.
Hurricane told Albert that it was important that he did, with the Mystery CEO's team leading the battle at 4-3.
Albert pumped himself up, shouting "rar" over and over before marching out to the ring.
War versus Albert Beefcake
The Big Beefer showed signs of being a little uncomfortable being in the ring with War, whose true colours were
beginning to shine through. War went on the offensive, using his speed and agility to keep the big Alaskan off
balance. Albert managed to hit the Albo bomb, but couldn't keep War down. War took it to Albert with the dust to
dust finishing move, getting him on the back foot in line for an implant DDT. Albert was unable to kick out, giving
Michael Lucifer's team an equalizing win after a truly grueling one on one encounter.
Winner: Daemon X via pin fall [12:32]
An exhausted Gregory Helms was backstage with Rhyno cooling down in the gym. Rhyno told Hurricane that
Jason Shamrock wasn't the first, and assured him that he wouldn't be the last. Rhyno rattled off a list of
superstars he'd defeated, and said that he wasn't satisfied with the end of the campaign of pain. Helms asked
Rhyno what he thought of the X-Division championship match earlier in the night. Rhyno grunted.
Casket match
Banging versus Michael Lucifer
Stat-Man said that statistically speaking this was a surprising match for the Mystery CEO to have chosen. Buddy
Luv acknowledge Michael Lucifer's impressive history in casket matches, and suggested perhaps it was intended
as a boastful slap in the face to Lucifer. Buddy Luv's words seemed strong from the start, Banging scoring with a
ring shaking Samoan drop on the 305lb superstar. They soon became hollow as Lucifer battled out of the Kiwi bomb
and nailed the devil driver. Lucifer continued the assault, knocking Banging down with a shattering left hook.
After Banging made several attempts to get Lucifer in the casket, Lucifer finally succeeded in stuffing him in.
Winner: Michael Lucifer via casket [4:45]
Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were out of their seats with the International championship match moments away.
Stat-Man made certain that Buddy Luv understood that Michael Lucifer's win meant his team were in the lead 5-4,
with Violent J heading into a must-win situation. Buddy Luv went over Violent J's headlining history, and celebrated
what could only be described as the biggest match of Violent J's life. With not only the world title on the line, but also
his pride against what many called the stronger half of Team Extreme, a position as the Mystery CEO's head booker
and the hopes of the Mystery CEO.
International championship match
Death (c) versus Violent J
The crowd went berserk as the Y2Juggalo countdown clocked off, marking the entrance of perhaps the most popular
superstar to ever grace ICWW. Used to high pressure matches, Marz seemed uninterrupted by the lopsided crowd
support, focusing only on retaining the most prized and revered belt in wrestling history.
The two superstars were inseparable, going back and forth, sharing the momentum. Marz managed to break through,
using the Shotei palm strike to great effect. Although knocked down, Violent J was able to gather himself and take it
to his partner with a spike DDT. Both superstars were exhausted, but Marz came back first, only to have his efforts
all blocked by Violent J. Violent J managed to drop the champ and hit the Pyscho Flip for the win.
Winner: Violent J via pin fall, new International champion [7:04]
Violent J celebrated in the middle of the ring with the International championship strap, leaving Marz on his knees
in the corner of the ring in shock. Violent J held the title in one hand, and stared at Marz. Still stunned, Marz stared
back with wide eyes, while Violent J looked out to the crowd and sniffed the air before dropping for a J-arooni!
Violent J rolled to the outside, leaving Marz in the middle of the ring as ICWW: Worlds Collide concluded with a 5-5 tie.
No one could've
expected the mystery CEO to answer Michael Lucifer's declaration of war the way
he did!
Conscription ended years ago, but ICWW will be divided by a draft. Five have already chosen sides, but how many will
follow? When the dust settles and the smoke clears, everyone must choose a side. Like it, or not.
Conscription ended years ago, but ICWW will be divided by a draft. Five have already chosen sides, but how many will
follow? When the dust settles and the smoke clears, everyone must choose a side. Like it, or not.
Sunday, April 4, 2004
ICWW: Panic Attack (2004)
![]() |
Panic Attack April 4, 2004 Breathing shallow, I'm slipping away Hanging in the gallows, I'm starting to pray How careful it was planned to do away with me So kill me if you can, but words won't make me bleed So what if I survive? And live to tell the truth Imagine my surprise, to find me living and so very much alive I'll find a new life and hide, if I survive. But I swear you're going down if I survive. |
The crowd were on their feet as Buddy Luv and Stat-Man welcomed the fans to ICWW: Panic Attack. Stat-Man could
barely be heard as he exclaimed Panic Attack to be perhaps the next step in ICWW's evolution. Stat-Man said since the
return of ICWW, each main event just kept getting better and better! Buddy Luv concurred and said that the excitement
was in no small part to the unveiling of the all new Panic Room match. A match that would not be revealed until the night's
headliner featuring the world title on the line with Michael Lucifer defending against both members of Team Extreme!
Amazing Red versus Diamond Dallas Page
The action kicked off with a huge response as the lightest superstar in ICWW's history made his way to the ring.
The 140lb red tornado that is, Amazing Red, has been making a huge splash in ICWW. It was still a mismatch
against the 247lb DDP, but Amazing Red proved he can overcome the odds at ICWW: Dark Night, when he took
out the 275lb Hulk Hogan. DDP looked average in the early going, but the sheer heart of Amazing Red was more than
enough to carry him to victory. The code red standing star press was the nail in it, giving the clean victory to Red.
Winner: Amazing Red via pin fall [3:42]
In the back Daemon X was arriving to the arena, when the mysterious Banging appeared out of nowhere.
The two superstars said absolutely nothing, instead, exchanging a cold stare. Daemon X broke the hold,
heading off with his gym bag to the locker rooms. Leaving Banging to tilt his head and grunt, before
disappearing back to wherever he materialized from.
Hardcore championship match
Marc Scott versus Rhyno (c)
The hardcore championship was on the line, 24/7 ruling still in full swing, as the challenger made his way to the ring.
The smug Marc Scott was met with a harsh response from the crowd, in contrast to Rhyno's positive response as he
headed to the ring. The champion, Rhyno, looked to be in strong form, exercising his superior strength against the wily
Marc Scott. Scott utilized weapons from around the ring, but was unable to find an opening, before Jesseman appeared
out of nowhere and attacked Rhyno! Marc Scott was able to take full advantage, scoring the pin fall to recapture the
hardcore championship. Jesseman disappeared as suddenly as he appeared, leaving Marc Scott free to flea the arena.
Winner: Marc Scott via pin fall [6:29]
ICWW roving reporter, Gregory Helms, was in the back with Michael Lucifer who was sporting both the International
championship and the tag team championships. Lucifer told Helms that he was taking his promotion back, piece by piece,
and at Dark Night he had started by taking back the tag team titles. He said he had already continued, by sending a
gift to his agent of famine, Marc Scott. Lucifer explained that Marc Scott's savvy as a business man made him the perfect
man to take the food from the very stomach's of anyone who opposed him. Lucifer then announced that he would put the
tag team championships on the line in the tag match scheduled later in the night. He claimed that his horsemen of war
and pestilence would capture the gold; wrapping two more of Lucifer's fingers around the neck of his ICWW.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan versus Superfly
The enlightened Superfly was the clear crowd favourite, Hulk Hogan still feeling the heat after his attack on Amazing
Red at ICWW: Dark Night. It wasn't enough to save the zen master from a brutal assault at the hands of Hulk Hogan.
Hulkamania ran wild on the referee, knocking him out cold and leaving Superfly open to a heinous assault at the hands
of the Hollywood superstar. When the referee was finally able to come to, Hogan finished it off with the big leg drop.
Winner: Hollywood Hogan via pin fall [4:30]
Albert Beefcake was with Violent J, who would later in the night take on his partner and Michael Lucifer for the
International championship in the Panic Room. The second ever, but a revamped version of the Panic Room match.
Violent J said he was feeling very confident, but was concerned with what the Panic Room would involve. He said if
he had to do anything involving Michelle Pfieffer he wouldn't want to be involved. When asked why, the Y2Juggalo
explained that she was a terrible casting choice for Catwoman, and they should've gone with a sexy brunette.
The Big Beefer asked J what the Team Extreme game plan would be heading into the match, and J told him he
hadn't seen Marz all day, which was unusual because usually they would arrive together. Albo nodded with suspicion.
Shawn Michaels versus Acidic Wonder
With Acidic Wonder planning to retire, the crowd gave him a standing ovation as he headed out to face his rival -
the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. Michaels was all class, sending the crowd into a frenzy after nailing the top
rope elbow drop. It wasn't enough to keep the man of the hour down, Acidic Wonder managing to battle back
against the confident HBK, finishing him with the Acid Bomb. After the match, Michaels asked for a microphone to say
a few words to honor Acidic Wonder. He acknowledged his highlights and the respect he had for the Wonder, and
gracefully extended his hand, respecting years of achievement, only to throw it all back in the Wonder's face by
hitting him with the sweet chin music! Michaels then took to the back, laughing off massive heat from the crowd.
Winner: Acidic Wonder via pin fall [16:14]
In the locker rooms the challenger for the Heavyweight championship, Rockey Rakesh, was meditating.
Rockey 's recent return to India, where he studied with the great Yoga masters was showing. Rakesh had told
ICWW online previously that he had found a new sense of awareness, and calm in his life. With calm, comes
focus, and with focus comes power of the mind. By harnessing his spirit, Rakesh's goal was to confirm to himself
alone, that he was spiritually ready to guide others. Making him perhaps the most self-less champion in history.
Tag Team championship match
Daemon X & Jesseman versus The Hurricane & Albert Beefcake
With the tag team titles officially on the line, the tension could've been cut with a chop. Jesseman verbally assaulted by
the crowd, with chants of "STD". His neon green counterpart had no such troubles, as he kicked the match off against
Daemon X. The momentum shifted back and forth, eventually seeing a fired up Albert Beefcake unload on his former
partner with the Albo bomb! Daemon X was able to make the save, but with Albert tying him up, the Hurricane was
able to finish the super villain with a chokeslam, and the eye of the hurricane finisher. Earning them the tag titles.
Winner: The Hurricane & Albert Beefcake via pin fall [7:10]
In the back things were smoking up. Superfly and the Godfather stumbled out, leaving a bunch of the
Godfather's lady friends in the smokey room. The Godfather laughed, and told Superfly that even though they
fought at Dark Night, he thought Superfly was alright, and apologized for not getting his back earlier in the night.
Superfly returned the compliment, and told the Godfather that losing didn't matter, because he was zenlightened.
The Godfather asked Superfly how he came to become zenlightened, and Superfly told him that it was a lot like their
little 'meeting of the minds'. The two packed up laughing, and Godfather called his ladies, telling them it was show time.
The Godfather versus Banging
The Godfather boogied his way to the ring accompanied by some of his lovely ladies, getting a huge response from
the crowd. The Godfather offered Banging a little action, but the mysterious masked superstar seemed to be more
confused than interested. The match got under way, Banging really turning up the speed. The Godfather did his best
to slow down the pace of the match, but it was all Banging on the night. The masked superstar stunned everyone
when he took the Godfather out with a devastating Kiwi bomb! He didn't hang around to celebrate, disappearing to the back.
Winner: Banging via pin fall [8:25]
Buddy Luv and Stat-Man took a moment to update fans on the Nomad's condition. They said that although the brutality
experienced at the hands of Michael Lucifer had caused massive internal injuries, he would recover. They did question
whether or not he would ever be able to again wrestle, and sent their best wishes. Stat-Man then stopped Buddy Luv,
and said he didn't really ever like the Nomad, statistically speaking. Buddy Luv told him that he needed to be more polite.
Heavyweight championship match
Rockey Rakesh versus Jason Shamrock
A new look Rockey Rakesh, weighing some twenty pounds less after fasting with the yoga masters of India, was looking
in great shape against the disciplined heavyweight champion. Rakesh was able to not only match Shamrock's technical
prowess, but also his speed. Rakesh executing the 619 maneuver against the ropes to great effect. It wasn't the 619
that would finish the match, however. Rakesh would survive a belly to belly, before nailing Shamrock with a stunner.
Winner: Rockey Rakesh via pin fall [10:45]
In the back, modest reporter Gregory Helms was with Statix, his match only moments away. Helms asked Statix how
he felt about some of the events happening to him. Statix said that the path of the future was never a clear one, but
it had never been as blurred before. He said that Lucifer's turning on him, and the destruction of the Nomad were things
he could never have foreseen. He said it made him uneasy. Uneasy because he can sense something big coming, but
he can't tell what it is, and that is something that frightens him. Statix explained that he has never feared defeat, but
rather - the unknown. The unexpected is something he can't brace himself for, and that is an experienced he doesn't like.
Statix' words clearly having a chilling effect on Helms, as the prophet headed out to his match.
Steven Oozaru versus Statix
The big Steven Oozaru was all about business making his way to the ring, taking no note of the crowd. Criticism's
regarding his winning the International championship have clearly spurred Oozaru toward proving that he is not only
worthy, but he is truly great. Statix came in fast and hard, using his incredible speed and mastery of the martial arts.
Oozaru was able to recover, and what ensued can only be described as an awesome display of strength. Statix was
unable to match Oozaru, with his emotions clearly getting the better of him, and distracting him into the flatliner.
Winner: Steven Oozaru via pin fall [2:50]
Albert Beefcake was with Amazing Red backstage who had nothing but praise for ICWW. Albo asked the "Red
Tornado" as he's been dubbed, how he felt about his new career and the good fortune he has found. Red told
Albert that he could describe it no other way, than as him being blessed. Blessed with not only the opportunity to
come to the big leagues, but the success he has enjoyed. Red told the Beefer that there was no way he could
describe the joy it had brought him. Albert congratulated him with a rar, and wished him all the luck in the world,
exclaiming that he hadn't seen an underdog as impressive since the bear took on the whale back in his home of Alaska.
International championship Panic Room match
Michael Lucifer (c) versus Marz versus Violent J
The Panic Room cell was lowered as a hush of silence fell over the crowd. Buddy Luv was handed the rules of the match
to announce. He announced that it would be a no holds barred match, with anything going. The match could not end in
pin fall, or submission. Across the top of the cell, two cables cross from corner to corner, and in the center will hang the
ICWW International championship. The first person to retrieve the title would become the new world champion.
It was the champion's prerogative to enter first, but it would do him no good. Violent J beat down on Michael Lucifer,
leaving Marz to stay fresh. Lucifer managed to come back, unleashing his infamous brand of vengeance. The entire
company would be shocked when Marz would not only attack Violent J, but double team him with Lucifer! Realising it was
unrealistic for him to retrieve the belt, Lucifer ordered Marz to win the match. Violent J and Lucifer battled back and forth,
Lucifer getting the better of the double teamed Y2Juggalo. Despite an effort to get the belt by jumping off the turnbuckle,
Violent J was unable to do anything. Marz captured the title, while VJ fell victim to the devil driver.
Winner: Marz via retrieving the title [21:13]
Michael Lucifer raised Marz' hand and announced that not only was the champion changing, but so too was the future of
ICWW. Lucifer had promised to take back ICWW piece by piece, but he acknowledged that that wasn't the right way to
say it. He said that the mystery CEO had capitalized on his misfortune, and violated him by doing so. Lucifer announced
that taking the promotion back wouldn't be enough. He would not only take back the promotion, he would bring Armageddon
to ICWW. Armageddon to the mystery CEO, and he would have his horseman of Death, with the world in his hand, at his side.
Marz and Lucifer celebrated while beating down on Violent J, as ICWW: Panic Attack came to a stunning conclusion!
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