Special mention:
Has Marz been found out, or is Albert's RSI record intact? Lucifer doesn't seem to care.
Patrick Mannion d. Pagan Freak
Chris Benoit d. Shaggy 2 Dope
Marz d. The Hurricane
Triple Threat - Statix d. Marc Scott & Banging
Michael Lucifer d. The Godfather
Oozaru d. Rhyno
Buddy Luv and Stat-Man were in the commentators booth, with news of the Prince
being permanently replaced by the master of stats. Buddy Luv said he was sure it
would be interesting at least, to have Stat-Man with him on Aftershock as well.
Stat-Man said that he was excited to be back on Aftershock, especially with Oozaru
and Rhyno set to fight in a non-title match in the nights headliner. Buddy Luv also
added that the Godfather would face a mighty in-ring debut against Michael Lucifer!
An all rights reserved chant started up as Patrick Mannion made his way to the
ring to face off against the Pagan Freak. The two tied up, Pagan Freak gaining the
early advantage with a knee to the gut, and then a big vertical suplex!
Mannion mounted a return offense, taking it to the Freak with a tingling spinebuster
slam, and followed with a snapping elbow drop. Pagan Freak struggled to his feet,
and pounded down on Mannion with hard right hands, but Mannion managed to
block a right, and counter into the smackdown slam, resulting in a cover.
The Y2Juggalo countdown hit the PA as Shaggy 2 Dope clapped up a storm on his
way to the ring! He said that since Violent J never actually lost the heavyweight
championship, he should get a shot, since he was the new Y2Juggalo. Gwen Lucifer
made an entrance, to inform Shaggy 2 Dope that she had just received an e-mail
from the mystery CEO, who happened to agree with his logic. She informed him
that since he and Rhyno had just held the tag team championships, it seemed only
fitting that Chris Benoit be granted a similar opportunity to his former partner.
The Canadian crippler made his way to the ring, going straight to work with a series
of chops. Shaggy 2 Dope returned the favor, unloading with a flurry of punches,
before dropping his opponent with a swinging neck breaker. Benoit found an
opening and soon took control over the new Y2Juggalo, annihilating him with a
string of German suplexes before hitting the diving head butt. Benoit locked in the
crippler crossface submission hold, proving to be too much for Shaggy 2 Dope,
earning himself a shot at his former partner, Rhyno, for the heavyweight title.
The Rar Rap hit the arena as the Alaskan Bear-Whale strutted to the ring. He got
down with a little Beefer Bust, before getting down to business. He had the weeks
elimination nominees, and said that only one of them voted as required, which meant
three would receive a strike, and consequently if any did not have a vote to their
name, they would be up for elimination to make up the three. Naturally the three
nominees were; Shaggy 2 Dope, Rockey Rakesh and Loopster.
The International champion headed out to take on one half of the tag team
champions in Hurricane. Marz looked to be in fine form, unleashing a brutal assault
on the Hurricane right from the start with elbows, right hands and brutal kicks. The
pace was quick as the two flying superstars exchanged blows, Marz gaining a
commanding position after slinging the Hurricane off the ropes and connecting with
the springboard kick! With Hurricane reeling, he was prime for the spiral bomb, but
managed to slip out of the hold, looking for the eye of the hurricane. Marz kicked out
of a cover attempt, and the match continued, Hurricane shooting Marz off the ropes,
and making the fatal mistake, falling to a spiral bomb after lowering his head.
Backstage the Suck Squad were with Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Jericho was
teaching Chaos and Loopster how they should bow to their king of the world.
Kurt said that he was looking for some partners to watch his back as he climbed
the ranks in ICWW, a team so to speak, a team Angle! Jericho furrowed his brow
and told the Olympian that Team Angle had to be one of the stupidest ideas he'd
ever heard, but if anyone were to do it, the Suck Squad were grade-A choices.
Angle thanked Jericho for his support, prompting the king of the world to walk away.
Triple threat action as Banging found himself in the middle of the feud between Marc
Scott and the Sensation, Statix. The three superstars found themselves in a stand-off,
with Banging caught in the middle, as they all tied up together. Banging and Statix
double teamed Scott with a toe kick to the gut, taking him over with a huge double
vertical suplex! Banging backed off as Statix stomped down on the fallen Scott, but
he soon turned his attentions to Banging. The masked superstar reversed the Irish
whip, sending Statix into the ropes and right into a dandy Samoan drop. Scott joined
Banging in attacking Statix, but caught him with a cheap shot from behind. Scott
bounced off the ropes and took Banging down with a diving forearm. Statix locked
up for a front face lock, Marc Scott able to hook around into a waist lock, but Statix
reversed the hold and took him down with the Static Slam. Statix managed to make
the cover, folding Scott's arms over his chest. Banging left the ring irate after the bell.
Backstage Albert Beefcake bumped into the Deputy. He asked him if he'd seen
Michael Lucifer, and the Deputy told him that he hadn't, but if he did, he would have
a few words to say to him. The Deputy told Albo that Lucifer's intimidation tactics
didn't impress him, because just like everyone else, he had to obey the law. Deputy
told Albert that he was in ICWW to make sure things went down the line at Highway
to Hell, and that meant making sure things went down the line in the lead up to
Highway to Hell. Albert agreed that the Deputy had things in hand, before creeping
away to continue his search. The Deputy tapped his nightstick and shook his head.
Michael Lucifer made his presence known as he entered the arena to face off against
the newest addition to the ICWW roster - the Godfather! Godfather interrupted the
Deputy's return on Civil Action, and found himself matched up against Lucifer in what
may have been poetic justice in motion. The Godfather mocked Lucifer, shielding his
escorts in a jovial fashion, before stepping into the ring. The granite faced Lucifer
didn't seem amused, going straight to work as the bell sounded with throat thrusts.
He drove the Godfather into the corner and unloaded a barrage of shots to the mid-
section, before sending the pimp daddy across the ring with a throat toss. Godfather
rolled out of the ring to get an energy boost from his hoes, before rolling back in and
taking an offensive turn with hard right hands on Lucifer. He sent him into the ropes
and managed to take the heavyweight down with a Samoan drop! Godfather went
for a cover, but Lucifer kicked out quickly, returning the favor with a Death Valley
driver. Lucifer scooped Godfather up and dropped him with the Devil driver, folding
his arms over to score the pin fall. The hoes tended to Godfather after the match,
with the crowd cheering as they all got down and danced aboard the ho-train.
Backstage Albert Beefcake rushed up to Michael Lucifer as he was heading to the
locker rooms. He said that he had been giving things some thought, and he came
to a startling realisation. He said that Lucifer's problems began shortly after he was
defeated by Triple H for the Heavyweight championship, a match made possible via
a decision to allow Triple H to progress past Banging - a decision made by IWA
general-managers, Marz and Violent J. The Big Beefer proceeded to point out that
after the lengthy road that preoccupied, and battered Lucifer, Marz managed to
take possession of the International title, something that might not have happened
had he not been busy. Lucifer glared at Albert, before racing off in the direction of
the Dark Lotus locker room. Albert shouted out that Marz had already left the arena.
Oozaru made his way to the ring for a non-title encounter against Heavyweight
champion, Rhyno. In the second tag star versus champ match, Rhyno found himself
unable to physically intimidate the large hardcore Aussie in Oozaru. They tied up,
finding themselves equally matched in strength. The two backed off, staring each
other down, before tying up again, this time Oozaru got the break with a boot to the
gut. He sent Rhyno off the ropes, but Rhyno stopped dead in front of Oozaru, before
dropping him with a spinebuster slam! Rhyno stomped down on Oozaru, before
backing off and pounding his chest, signaling time for the gore! Oozaru clambered
to his feet, and managed to side step out of the way of the finisher, allowing him to
execute the full nelson bomb! He picked the manimal up, and quickly hit the flatliner,
making a fast, firm pin to score the win. Chris Benoit raced down to the ring, pausing
to glance at Oozaru, and then Rhyno. The three men glance back and forth, as
ICWW: Aftershock came to a confronting conclusion.