NOVEMBER 29, 2002
ICWW: Aftershock opened with Marz arriving to the arena after the rolling theme. Marz was approached by Violent J who wished his fellow Tag champion a happy birthday. Marz shoved Violent J aside into a wall and J responded by telling Marz he wasn't so sure he liked him anymore. He was upset that Marz had been pushing him around, and even claimed his JCW title wasn't even real! He said Marz better be a little nicer in future. Marz turned and got in J's face and told him that if he didn't leave him alone, he wouldn't have a future.
The commentators welcomed fans to ICWW: Aftershock, the show still alive now under the rule of Shawn Michaels. Buddy Luv and Albert Beefcake briefly discussed the situation revolving around the recent Michaels/Lucifer angle, as well as touching on some matches. The heavyweight title rematch between Michael Lucifer and Marz, and Albert's second match against Banging in his quest to regain the Eurasian championship title.
A new hopeful prospect for ICWW entered the ring for the first time in X-3-M, the Extreme one himself. He was set to take on Patrick Mannion in a one on one encounter with no special stipulations. It was X-3-M that got off to a good start, taking Mannion down with a Lou Thesz press. Mannion got back to his feet and dropped the rookie with a DDT, but X-3-M retaliated with another Lou Thesz press. With Mannion down Mr. Extreme went to the outside retrieving a chair, he plastered Mannion with the weapon finding himself disqualified. The naturally extreme superstar looked shocked for a moment, but confidently strolled his way to the back.
Backstage in his office newly appointed CEO of ICWW Shawn Michaels was lounging around shining his hardcore championship belt. He was telling interviewer Shane Altmann that now he was the CEO of the promotion no one dared touch him or his belt, Shane then asked if he could touch him. Michaels told the sick freak to get out of his office and turned the camera to him. He said he is the show stopper and he was going to defeat Mick Lucifer in the casket match at R and R. He said Michael Lucifer had as much chance to win the match, as Albert Beefcake did going completely bald. Michaels asked off camera if Bear-Whales malt as we returned to action.
The aforementioned superstar Albert Beefcake made his way to the ring for his match against current ICWW Eurasian champion, and Grand Slam superstar. Suddenly from the crowd a security guard faced to the ring and began brutally attacking the Beefer. It was the Game in disguise!! He grabbed a microphone and shouted at Albo that he was the game, and Albert had made a big mistake messing with him last week on Aftershock. His final words for Albert were, "it's all about the game, and how you play it" before laughing and heading backstage.
Oozaru and Violent J made their way to the ring for one on one competition. Oozaru went in hard from the start with a strong offensive of DDT, flapjack, rights and lefts. It all came down to the lag buster, which sent Violent J into a completely different world, Oozaru scored the pin fall. Oozaru pointed to himself and made a belt motion before leaving.
Backstage Jason Shamrock was standing by with Shane Altmann, Altmann asked why Shamrock had requested the submission match on Aftershock against Lord Nomad. Shamrock said he felt that there were unresolved issues surrounding the battle between Nomad and Shamrock. He said that he had fallen victim to Nomad's hold a few weeks ago, and he had to make up for that. He said his technical skills and training were second to none, and tonight he would prove that he was king of the ring, and king of the world by defeating the first of many.
Shamrock looked pumped as he made his intense entrance to the ring. The two squared off, Nomad looking a little stiff perhaps from his table match with Trell still, and earlier in the week his match with Oozaru. Nomad and Shamrock locked up, Nomad scoring the bulldog takedown to start. Shamrock took Nomad down with a DDT, and a Lou Thesz press. Shamrock hooked up and dropped Nomad once more, this time locking up with an STF forcing Nomad to tap out! Shamrock kicked Nomad all the way out of the ring, and stood in the center yelling clearly in his zone! Suddenly out of nowhere Tito Ortiz raced down from the back, and brutally attacked Shamrock from behind with a devastating elbow strike to the head! Otriz headed back looking down at the bleeding Shamrock smugly from the ramp.
The heavyweight championship went on the line next as Marz got his rematch with Michael Lucifer unmasked. Michael Lucifer made his way to the ring first taking hold of a mic., he said that he hoped Michaels was watching because he was going to show him exactly what it means to oppose Michael Lucifer. Marz jumped in and Lucifer began using the microphone as the match began. Marz went into the ropes and took Lucifer down with a Lou Thesz press, but Lucifer retaliated with a nice neck breaker. Michael looked for an atomic drop, but Marz managed to reverse the move, stunning the heavyweight champion. Marz went on the attack with another Lou Thesz press but Lucifer regained his composure, rolling with it and laying into the challenger with rights and lefts. Back up Lucifer knocked him back down with a stinging right, left combo and then an elbow drop. Marz looked for the Lou Thesz press once more, but was caught my Lucifer with an elbow reeling back. The champ applied a dragon sleeper wrenching down on Marz, but Marz reached the ropes! Lucifer made sure he kept the referee out of sight, scoring the submission win. Marz blasted the referee only to be caught and slammed by Lucifer with a chokeslam as Aftershock went off air.
Patrick Mannion d. X-3-M
Banging & Albert Beefcake - No Contest
Oozaru d. Violent J
Submission - Jason Shamrock d. Lord Nomad
No Holds Barred [Heavyweight] - Michael Lucifer [c] d. Marz
Beefer says:
Game took me out in a dirty play baby, rar. Just like Lucifer against Marz. Justice will be served though baby, rar!"